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Everything posted by grumpyhack

  1. COUSIN This song is about mining. I'm also seeing them tomorrow - two of the nicest guys in the music business.
  2. PRIVATE At least my greenhouse is patched up. Now for a bit of warmth please.
  3. I think we get the GM line up this Friday.
  4. BROKEN Like my greenhouse after the storm. Six panels gone.
  5. BISCUIT Great band live, huge fun. Due to see them in May.
  6. ARMS In my book the finest guitarist Britain has ever produced.
  7. PENNY Not holding out much hope for Wales this afternoon but fingers crossed.
  8. MOVER You've reminded me I need to get my motor mover fixed on my caravan before the start of the festival season.
  9. Don't worry about the line up. It will be good and the festival vibe is great. All the best bits of Glasto without the hassle.
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