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Everything posted by grumpyhack

  1. TALKING Powerful but desperately sad film. Dustin Hoffman was superb.
  2. CITY Actually went out for a meal in a restaurant this lunchtime. Hopefully the start of a slow return to normality.
  3. LITTLE Double postings don't matter. It's a lovely musical tour of connections we're on.
  4. SON I've seen Cat Stevens a couple of times. Wrote some beautiful songs.
  5. CARLOS One of the coolest guitarists I've ever seen. I love the way the notes just seem to hang in the air.
  6. LAST Charlie Watts, Brian Jones, Bill Wyman, all ex-Stones but still they roll on.
  7. FIRST I thought that Way Out West track had a familiar ring. Sampled from this. One of my favourite love ballads.
  8. ALIVE BBC Glastonbury coverage is another good example for those in another thread saying there is nothing worth watching on the BEEB
  9. I couldn't disagree more. BBC News still remains my go to starting point for news. Excellent broad coverage not just of the UK but globally.
  10. SLEDGE Brilliant graphics on this, some done by Aardman Animations, the people behind Wallace and Grommit
  11. AWAY Great sax playing. A superb band live. The Springsteen second team.
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