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Posts posted by mrs_b_with_an_e

  1. And so saw the return of the cheese thread - woooot!

    Fingers crossed for a cheesy picninc this year - although any stinking bishop will HAVE to be consumed on the Wednesday for fear of unchilled reeking stench. Mind you saying that, after 5 days of en mass non-washing, an over ripe one might be a welcome waft for some? hmmm...

  2. Only done it from Wolverhampton, but 5 times now since 2000. You are in the same traffic as everyone else getting to the site - it's a field with not many access routes :P

    However, the main advantages are that the drop-off point for coaches is about 100 yards from the entrance so you don't have to haul your crap so far & on the Monday you only have to wait to get on your coach. On leaving we have found that there are very few queues the coaches get stuck in.

    Also, the obvious advantage is that you don't have to watch what you do on the Sunday night & can snooze all the way home :P

    And better for the environment & overall traffic congestion getting to the site - all round win me thinx :P

  3. yup :P looks like the dude i normally go with is now booked on a training course with work over Glasto, so will be celebrating our Glasto 10 year anniversary on me tod!

    will be living in vain hope that:

    1 - the coach from Wolverhampton arrives at 3.30pm like they say it should, rather then 1am like it did last year (do not fancy putting my tent up on my own with just a head torch to guide me after half a bottle of vodka has been consumed due to the sheer stress of being so frikkin late)

    2 - when i do arrive i can head in the general direction of pennards, if its not looking too impassible, someone may take pity on me and point me towards a group of fellow efesters (t-shirt wearing or not)

    3 - said efesters will be as friendly as ever and won't mind another stray joining the ranks and cider bus meets

    fingers crossed!

  4. Yay! The money has gone & only once thankfully! :P:P:P

    Quick question though - has anyone had an email with an attachment come through from the Glastonbury guys? Have just gone on auto pilot & emptied out my junk mail, then realised whilst it was going slowly doing so, that there was one in there from Glastonbury something or other with something attached. By the time I realised it had gone & I can't retrieve it, but am now not sure if it was something important or some random junky spam thing that has now got me panicking!

    Roll on June :P

  5. It took about 3 hours for my email to arrive (and a further three days for them to actually take the money from my debit card!)

    Have you checked your spam box, just in case? If not you could always give See a call - maybe call this evening?

  6. Have just tried to pay it off, and didnt get a screen telling me how much/check your details etc, just thank you your email is on it's way? Thought nothing of it til realised still not had the email & am getting a little anxious now :P Admittedly only been half an hour, but even on T day I had the confirmation almost instantly & there were squillions of people using the system then - there can't be that many using it this morning too?

    Am sure it will be fine & I'm just being paranoid - honest!?

  7. +1 for the delightful Megson & Jackie Oates

    Went to school with Jackie & her brother Doug (aka Jim Moray) - very talented family, parents alike. Both now doing very well and seemingly an up & coming folk force with all those awards under her belt! fingers crossed they make it to Glasto :P

  8. Due to me working I did not get the opportunity to sort out the port and cheese meet.

    However I am thinking along the lines of a "picnic" type of meet next year.

    Edit: One year I organised a bbq for a different message board and through the evening we fed nearly 40 people I think :P

  9. yay! the cheese thread! my fave!

    such a shame i missed the port & cheese meet this year (i presume it went ahead?) but non-efest friend was more inclined towards the cider bus and so forth :rolleyes:

    but hey - cheese can be enjoyed all year round anyhow - bring on the stinking bishop! :rolleyes:

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