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Posts posted by ampersand

  1. regarding cutting carbs, i'm having my curries just as they are now. and packing them with veg, not bothering with stodgy rice. still very filling, plus i love mushrooms and peppers.

    lost 2lbs last week. christ knows how, had a litre of bacardi and sugary mojitos at the weekend.

  2. english attitudes sicken me! it won't be long before this seasons scenario is the norm. fa cup final a side show and the last day of the premier league being the showpiece. i know the leagues the most important thing, but cups are an amazing thing. and a cup where you compete with some pretty good teams from around europe ranks way higher than a national cup. be it scottish or english.

  3. i never imagined jenson button to be small. just checked and apparently he's 6ft.

    although if he was 5ft3, i'd imagine it would be his bulging six pack and wads of cash that attract the women, rather than his height

  4. The eurogamer review confirmed my fears about this game. I dont think its for me, I'm sure it will be GOTY for many - but I simply dont have the time or the inclination to play a game that takes 40+ hours to complete and doesnt really get going until halfway through.

    I'm sure the artstyle and direction and tech are amazing, but fetchquests bore the shit out of me.

    This paragraph was the most telling of all for me

    "So the plot has a habit of progressing to its conclusion regardless of how well or badly you perform. L.A. Noire's game world may be impressively open, but you consistently hit the narrative equivalent of invisible walls. It's initially disappointing to realise how prescribed its corridor of story is, how carefully led by the hand you are, and how little you can affect events."

  5. st johnstone too? looks like there's gonna be a shit load of players club hunting in the next couple months. but i'm guessing there's many clubs like us who just can't affford to.

    and also nice to see that more people are getting parcel bombs today. donald findlay is an absolute cretin but it's another dark day in this season.

  6. thats why the world cup fixtures were changed! what did man utd do wrong? it was blackburn not trying to get the ball back.

    do man utd really care if they get a 25 grand fine for playing the reserves next week? and both side wasting time yesterday might just shoot blakburn in the foot if wolves beat them and blackpool beat us.

  7. wolves got fined for fielding a weakened team. what was the official reason?

    surely the last five/ten minutes of the man utd game has to come into question? that was just blatant cheating from both sides. if i was a chelsea/relegation fodder team, i'd have been raging at that display. hows it any different?

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