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Posts posted by airds

  1. loved his set, great choice of songs, I have just re-listened to it at lunch time, still sounds great

    we were near the back speakers and everyone around us was dancing and singing along, great times had by all :)

  2. airds - I ate exactly the same food items you highlighted in your pics on page 1.

    I discovered Clara's last year and this year loaded my chicken wrap with all their sauces and nommed it down whilst watching Jimmy Cliff with a Lemon Brothers for good measure.

    The Wholefood Heaven Malay curry WITH halloumi on top was gorgeous and perfect for my healthy eating plan I tried to stick to whilst at the G (avoiding processed white/wheat carbs).

    My only weak moment (which was preplanned) was The Best Hog Roast in the UK. My fave hog roast in the UK and I have returned year on year for 8 Glastos now.

    The new dish La Grande Bouffe was stunning - garlic dauphinoise - GET IN! I had a half and half with Originalle on Wednesday evening.

    The best pizza in the entire city was consumed - I still dont know the stall's name but it was next to Tiny Tea. (The one that does the rocket pizza and turns out super nommy and wholemeal pizzas in less than 6 minutes flat!) I went for the 'all the toppings' pizza but then pootled over to Greenpeace and added my own rocket from the salad leaf display at the entrance :D

    Raclette from the Eat Bristol stand was consumed in replacement to my traditional 5pm on a Sunday Tartiflette trip. The cheese was astounding but it was a bit too much for me and I shall return to my usual Sunday tradition in 2013.

  3. I caught them on Thurs @ Gaymers Stage 6:30, excellent as usual

    I couldnt find the bar at first, I had asked at the info centres, asked in these forums, even tweeted gaymers and I still no answer, then I just happen to walk past it 30 mintues before hand :)

  4. Where is that?!?!? My boyfriend's dragged me around for the last two years looking for the "epic jerk chicken" he had a few years back. Fairly sure that's the place and my torment and blisters can end.

  5. Mostly I ate goan curry (five times I think) and drunken, shameful dirty burgers on my way home to dairy.

    Also had some reasonable jerk chicken from somewhere at the pyramid.

  6. I know this, but after going to big audio dynamite on the Friday I knew I wasn't going to bother with the special guests on the Saturday.

  7. this thread is gonna kill me, but I went to the park for B.A.D. and couldn't see them play at all so I just left. Didn't matter to me if the rolling stones turned up, I couldn't see f**k all despite not being that far away. But yeah, I am a sour sod for missing Pulp.

  8. we were at club dada at 1 o'clock sat night when the 3 people came on stage, 1 of them was wearing a white hood and sunnies, so the bloke in front of us suggested if could be FLK, but when he asked different people, they all had different answers, the sound guy was excepting Jarvis, and the lighting guy was excepting Jessie J

    the music was like this clicky here, and in the visuals I kept seeing a field of cows :P

    But who knows, I enjoyed it who every it was, though probably better music for chilling in the back garden :)

  9. Like the topic says anyone know where the Gaymers Stage is ?

    We were going to catch Sound of Rum at the greenpeace stage on thursday, but they are also playing at the Gaymers Stage at 6:30, which would fit our plans a bit better

    so any ideas ?

  10. playing a few times, according to their facebook page :)

    Thurs 23 Glastonbury Gaymers Stage 6.30PM

    Thurs 23 Glastonbury Westholts Bar 10PM

    Thurs 23 Glastonbury Greenpeace Stage 00.00AM

    Fri 24 Glastonbury Left Field for Billy Bragg 6PM

    Fri 24 Glastonbury Strummerville 01.00AM

    Sat 25 Glastonbury Left Field for Billy Bragg - KATE TEMPEST 3PM

    anyone know where the gaymers stage is ?

  11. There is a slight error, but the main site has the same error so I guess its their fault

    Sound of Rum 18:05 19:00 Poetry and Words Friday

    THE SOUND OF RUM 18:00 19:30 Leftfield Friday

    great work btw :)

  12. hi,

    So i was just settling down to watch some sky plus'd footage from last year to get me in the spirit of things and its been erased by ....somebody!

    I was wondering if there is much available in the guise of downloads/DVDs or CDs of performances from any of the previous festivals. I know you tube is good but not brilliant when you live in the stick with poor broadband.

  13. Going off topic, I love virgin media, I have a 10mb connection and I download at full whack all the time, I cant fault them :)

    I used to get about 6mb d/l speed and sometime my connection would hang and I would have to reset my router. One day I decided that I needed internet connection in my garden, so I was looking for a something to extend the connection and I found a tenda router from ebuyer for £12, since there were cheap I bought 2.

    I thought it would be easier using 2 routers of the same make, so I replaced my Netgear router with one of the tenda ones, and I now get full speed, and it never hangs, and I can see it in the garden without extending the signal :)

    back on topic, great pictures :D

  14. I have posted this before, but here goes

    In 2008 while watching the verve, there was a couple in front of us who were in their 60s-70s, the man wore a sailor's cap and kept taking a swig of some homebrew concoction, and the woman kept opening her legs and pissing :O

    After she finished she would wipe her self down with her skirt then take off her saddles and press the wee into the ground, then put her shoes back on and step forward a few paces. Preparing for the next time, I guess, which was about 30 minutes later !

    Everybody behind her were looking at each other in disbelief, a very bizarre incident

  15. Last year my lad found a phone at Boomtown, so we texted the last number dialled saying we have your mates phone and explained where we were. A couple of minutes later we got a call back and we directed them to us.

    Even though it was a old phone, they were really pleased and offered my then 16 year old son loads of different type of drugs as a thank you, he politely refused them all

  16. We arrived on friday at 11.00 and it took us a good 15 minutes to find somewhere to camp, the tent campsite was pretty full by then. We managed to find an excellent spot just before the CVs, and so was happy, but we saw loads of people wandering around trying to find somewhere to camp, before giving up and camping in the CV field

    To me it looked like the campervans were in the wrong field, if you looked at the map, they seemed to be in the "quiet camping" bit (up to the line of trees), which didnt leave enough room for the tents, so a lot camped in the CV field :huh: (thats just my take on it, I could be wrong, I often am :) )

    but like I said we managed to get a great spot and loved the weekend :)

  17. it rained, it was freezing, a big wind followed me around like a love sick puppy......but bloody loved it :D

    we are definitely back next year :)

    Excellent festival, great location, great bands, great food, great people, what more can you ask for ?

  18. Last year we didn't arrive until thursday afternoon worrying where we could camp. We were shown to back of Rivermead next to the hedge joined to Pylon and after my six Glastos I think this may be the best. It's got good access to JP, Pyramid, Other and Dance although admittedly it is a bit of a yomp from Shagri-La. If like me you take numerous booze-runs during the festival, this area has got great access to gate A & D. Definately camping there this year. 42 SLEEPS!!!!!

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