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Posts posted by PastCaring

  1. I normally buy my seeds from the garden centre or Wilkos. I've also had good results in the past from planting the seeds out of the dried chillies that you can buy in the supermarket. For a greater choice of varieties, there are specialist chilli websites.

    Just bought a couple of new mini propagators, ready for planting some seeds in the next few weeks.

  2. Was unable to get onto the site at all last night. This morning I'm getting on and off problems in which a page pops up telling me that there is a problem with my SQL server. Just now I got a message saying that there was a fatal db error. But then I tried again and was in without any problems! Quite relieved to hear that other people are experiencing problems, though - I was beginning to think that I had a problem with my internet connection!

  3. Lucky you - I would love to visit Cuba! A friend from my last job went there twice in a year, which adds up to a whole month, and never managed to travel beyond the hotel enclave and the nearest beach - a total waste of a trip, if you ask me! Do you speak Spanish?

  4. I got to page 68 of that Besteveralbums.com linked on the first page of the thread before I found a page that I didn't have any album I own listed on it, so I suppose I'm relatively well listened. I did notice a lot of bona-fide classics pop up that I've never heard, the ones that stick out are U2 albums and Thriller, and I'm completely ok with missing out on those. I might listen to some more Beatles though, I've only heard Revolver and Sgt Pepper, and I don't actually own anything by them whatsoever. It's about time I listen to the Talking Heads too. Some absolute shitters have slipped onto that list, and I don't recall seeing Searching For The Young Soul Rebels, Cheap Thrills or Vauxhall & I anywhere, I could have overlooked them as it was a bloody long list, but it's clearly broken if they aren't there. I also remember both Parallel Lines and Psychocandy were lingering in criminally low positions, and surrounded by some properly heinous records.

  5. I actually find it quite difficult to believe that Sziget have booked another dj firework party main stage 'headliner' after the reaction from last year! Feels like they're determined to force the idea onto festival goers, whether they want it or not! It looks to me like they're either trying to mould the format of the festival in a particular way or they have financial constraints (or both), and it doesn't really give me much confidence regarding the rest of the festival line up.

  6. I do enjoy a good biography - for the simple reason that I'm really interested in other people and their lives - and I'll even read about people I don't know much about, or even like sometimes, for that matter, because it fascinates me to see how various people's lives have panned out.

    As for escapism, I've only fairly recently discovered Terry Pratchet, and I've been busy trying to catch up on his back catalogue.

    I think, for many people who don't read for pleasure, it's because it seems like too much effort, when other diversions, like tv, require almost none at all. You know, like in the Bill Hicks joke about the man in a diner with a book? I, personally, like the fact that I'm free to create my own version of the world of the book, rather than a tv maker's interpretation ...

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