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Posts posted by greeneyes1980

  1. I wouldn't "go after" anyone. I think such matters have to be handled in a certain way ; show some respect to your friend for sure, almost ask his permission to go out with her for example.

    But I wouldn't feel that I have the right to stop anyone from seeing anyone else, and I wouldn't be mates with someone who thought they had the right to punch me if I did. It's smacks of ownership.

  2. Love at first sight? What if a thunderbolt hit them? What if they had been seeing eachother behind your back, and it had got serious? What if they wanted to get married?
  3. I'd imagine if knowing you are likely to react in such a way, then they have strong feelings for one another what with running the wrath of greeneyes.

    Assume they are in love. Hypothetically, for me please. Would you not be happy for them?

  4. Okay, explain to me why your own comfort is more important than love between a friend who you say you love and a sister, who you say you love.

    You can't love them if you don't want them to be happy ; you can't love anything if you put your own feelings above theirs, surely? Otherwise it's not love. It's just lip-service.

    If you reference to the half-arsed Italian shit was about the ars amatoria i posted earlier, it's not Italian.

  5. Okay, explain to me why your own comfort is more important than love between a friend who you say you love and a sister, who you say you love.

    You can't love them if you don't want them to be happy ; you can't love anything if you put your own feelings above theirs, surely? Otherwise it's not love. It's just lip-service.

  6. Now, who is getting personal? Hey? I don't give a f**k what kind of mood you are in. If you post something I disagree with, I'll comment on it.

    I'm saying my final word on the matter. You are so c**tishly selfish that you put your own discomfort above the hapiness of your own sister and your own friend. You want personal? I don't think anyone who thinks that way about themselves is lovable in any way ; how can anyone be loved when they are so egocentric that they don't want two people they love to be happy together.

    You can carry on with your abuse of me now little man.

  7. Because you are hitting the roof, ranting and raving because a friend, who presumambly love as a friend, and your sister, who you love as your sister, could find happiness in each other arms.

    If daming that is that's your definition of being a c**t, then so be it. Personally I think it's a lot more c**t like to try and stop two other people - who you supposedly love - from being happy for the sake of your own hapiness. Selfish, self-centred and egocentric. Like I said emotionally stunted.

  8. Not really. You've been posting here for ages. You think you have a right to tell your friends and your sister what they can and can not do. And then use emotional blackmail to keep them unhappy. That's meglomania, and stinks of being a control freak.

    I'll judge that if I so wish.

  9. But you are an emotionally stunted individual who thinks judges everyone else by your own low standards. Actually having said that, if we pick friends not disimlar to ourselves then you are probably right to hit the roof.

    * scarpers *

  10. Some men seem obsessed with doing it, or trying to do it. I don't get what they like about it, really, unless (like you say) their partner really wants them to because it's something she really likes.
  11. Again, we disagree..

    Front bottoms look better, taste better, feel better, are ususally a far superoir temperature and to me, are the Holy Grail of sexy.

    The best are "like a whisp of cotton candy, framing a paper cut."


  12. This is why we ended up talking about nuipples the other night my friend had heard mention of a thing called cigar nipples. Being the long pointy ones.

    At the risk of sounding like i'm slightly obsessed with nipples where do the boys stand on having theirs played with. One of the buys i work with hates it and another loves it.

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