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Posts posted by greeneyes1980

  1. Yeah thats what someone else said. I don't normally fall for those types of scams though and i thought it was a reputable site.

    i was on mysinglefriends too and it was good for a couple of weeks but i was going through a i'm too scared to meet anyone phase so i turned everyone down (stupid girl), then it all dried up. :-( My friend wrote the loveliest blurb about me though.

  2. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    I'm really mad - it might be hormonal or it might be justified not sure which anyway....

    I am a member of a particular newspapers dating website...nothing much came of it when i first joined so when my subscription expired i didnt renew. So yesterday i got a few messages come through and when i had a look at them the guys seemed nice so i resubscribed to answer them, thought i would give it a chance. So £20odd quid and a couple of nice emails later i get one reply that says he is currently focusing on conversations that have already started and the other two have just not replied at all. So i've wasted money i don't have on a pointless exercise. I'm sooooo annoyed.


  3. I do think you're right........ and I'm not really waiting around, I've been out with other guys since him, and I've really tried to move on, but I've just not met anyone else since who I feel the same way about (I'm sure I will eventually tho, just need to keep looking)
  4. I'll save you some time on "brass" too. He means a whore. Although how anyone's self-esteem is going to be improved by sleeping with a prostitute is slightly beyond me.
  5. Hmnnn... so, it was late at night after a few drinks, and you'd been on "the packet".... Doesn't sound like a good recipe for speaking to someone who's first language isn't English.

    I've had similar problems with foreign helpdesks and take-aways, a bit of patience goes a long way.

  6. There's English and then there is slang depending on where you come from.

    I'm sure he's been telling all his friends about some drunken idiot who phoned up trying to order food yet couldn't speak a word of English.

    Geezer on the blower, for example, translates roughly into English as gentleman on the telephone :(

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