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Posts posted by HorseboX

  1. Night darren!!! Can't wait to the meet now, i'm a bit giddy.

    Even our lass who had reservations about meeting a loada geeks on tinterweb has had serious second thoughts and she rarely does that.... except for when she ran away from me and then decided that i was actually the one she wanted !!!!! :ph34r:

  2. You'll have it all in Bristol really, unless you're fond of rambles in the fields on weekends :ph34r: I'm only starting to learn Bristol though, we could do it together! :lol:

    The Centre is pretty lively and errrrm.....well Bristol on the weekends. Broadmead about to re-open which will essentially move the focus of the city, there's already good restaurants, pubs, bars etc. in the area. For the best gigging and things there's the Fleece and Firkin then the Louisiana is highly rated as well.

    Which area you living?

  3. Hey Darren.

    Damn i hate work does. There's always this wierd stigma about having to drink as much as possible and well, erm... i don't drink. The enjoyment wears a bit thin when you've been with these people all day as well. But anyway, i hope you had a good night despite the chavs!

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