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Posts posted by HorseboX

  1. Nah! He's cool, and he's younger than i am and his family make more noise than us so...

    He's going a bit crazy cos the guys in the next room were students and moved out to find a more communal atmosphere elsewhere to live in so he prolly wouldn't mind if we threw a party.

  2. I just know that my worse nightmare would be been a student, at a uni full of students, working in a student pub then going home to my student flat. If I could be a student working in the same field with people who aren't students who actually have some experience they can pass on then that'd be fine. If I was a student i'd just be me with an extra folder in my bag.

  3. Am thinking of doing the student thing next year, but its no secret that i secretly hate students. Not individually of course, I love you guys, but collectively when there's several of them in one place then they just do my f**king nut in.

  4. I've actually spent many a year wiping old people's arses.

    But my brains have been screaming for some food for a long while, and now the kids are getting older it's about time I did something for me, hence following my dream of becoming a Forensic Archaeologist :( I am very good at pretending to be stupid, it made me feel safe in the past, but following a few life changing events I decided life was far too short, and promptly started changing ALOT of things.

    So there you have it, in just over a weeks time I become a full time student as well as a full time Mum ;) I'd ask you to wish me luck but as we all know luck has sod all to do with anything, we can all wish and dream but nothing comes to those who wait, I'm off to grab it all with both hands :(

  5. LOL am I opening myself up to something here, are you trying to say I would be good helping people with psychological problems?


    Well anyway, I am off to do a Foundation Degree in Archaeological Practice, followed by the Masters and then onto Forensic Science...I have hidden depths you know :(

  6. Hiya Darren, good thanks hope your day has been good to you *hug*

    Hiya Horsey, nice to see it's going well so far for you! And yes I do believe in ghosts I do I do I do ;)

    Sat here reading and I think my head might implode, I am totally bricking it really nervous about starting Uni a week Monday. However I have a certain Pilton party to look forward to a week tomorrow :(

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