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Posts posted by HorseboX

  1. I dunno if I've actually mentioned this but my dream job when I was a kid was been a condom tester, however now that I've grown up Ive realised that the reality of this would involve testtubes and no pussy and since then I've been disallusioned as to my purpose in society.

    But actually, my job prospects go about as far finding nice people to work with. Bulgarian immigrants and uptight French restuarant managers don't quite fit the ideal. Nor do teenage brats so I can't be a teacher, nor do toddlers so I can't be a child minder, nor does students so I can't work in any pub, I actually can't think of a group of people I particuly like right now... :P

    Oooooooh, I like animals!!!! Can I be a vet and cut them open?

  2. I might have to hide IN the fire!

    The induction sounds like a piece of piss. I really don't want to go tho. Catering on a large scale seems to make me depressed. Especially table waiting. All this carrying shit for fops and toffs. More croutons sir? Not my scene at all.

  3. Didn't know where else I could put this without everyone pissing on me but now that Rik Wights death has surely stopped all these silly rumours of a Pink Floyd reunion at Glasto, does anyone else think Jimmy Pages and Angus Youngs death will quash the other stupid reunion rumours floating around?

    And while we're at it, Phil Collins, Sting, Morrisey, Robbie Williams, Damon Albarn, Ian Brown, Donnie Whalberg of NKOTB, Freddie Mercury.

  4. <Runs off to practice washing hands>

    I've got an induction with a catering agency today. I can't wait!!!!!! (<---note sarcasm). I think I basically rub shoulders with a loads illegal Bulgarians while someone tells me how to hold a plate and what side the fork goes on etc etc. I'm a silver service waitor f**k you very much!

  5. Ooooh it's all going on round here. I might even have a KP job too! Whoop. I have a trial on Thursday at the most concievably closest place to where I live.

    I lied to them about been a KP before. It's just washing up and cutting veg tho, innit... innit? :P

  6. Anyway, at my funeral I'd have The Good Times Are Killing Me by Modest Mouse and Enjoy The Silence by the Mode just for ironies sake (my life is hardley one good time after the other and i'm usually the quiet one who sits in the corner at parties not saying much).

    Years ago loads of us went on a skiing holiday and one of the lads that came with us , had notched up 100's in the female

    count. We got drunk together and he told me why he was so sucessful. At parties or in the pub he would just sit quiet

    and not try and impress like some lads would. Sooner or later a girl would sit next to him and ask why he was so quiet

    and shy - and hey bingo !

    The Cad !

  7. Night honeydew. I think i'm heading bedwards too. Good to catch up with ya! Speak to ya next time dude. And stop putting ideas in daves head, he's easily inspired don'tcha know?

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