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  1. Can anybody explain how they are getting Web page monitors like distill to work? It's really sticky for me and won't even log in. I tried another one and it records me logging in and selecting to watch the drop down menu but the check itself never actually works due to the Recaptcha I am not a robot part...it gets booted off at that stage. What's the workaround?
  2. I don't use it but there has been changes as I've been checking constantly. Leeds when on, off then on again. I need to try Distill I think! I couldn't get any other app to get past the recaptcha part
  3. @Lucy92 what is your trick for getting through? Gutting for you to get so close though. I couldn't try due to work. I remember last year they all seemed to be first timers too
  4. I called 50 times and didn't get through. I didn't listen to the caller who got it wrong so didn't try again. Assumed they would win as all the previous days ones have been so easy - songs from headliners - so a quick research into those on Spotify and they should've been able to guess which of the 3 it was!
  5. I thought the Octopus one wouldn't get many entries but they said they got 4500!
  6. Bless you , thanks for messaging.
  7. I'm not on insta but someone ask if they've drawn I cannot cope with this potentially false hope any longer. Not getting much work done!
  8. Wonder if they have any idea how much people are waiting on this draw or whether they're all just chilling at Clippers and Greenpeace until someone remembers they need to do it
  9. Just reading the Clippers Ts and Cs. There are 1000 tea caddy prizes. So just to warn people that there might be a few heart in mouth "you're a winner" emails going out. It also says to retain the box as winners of the main prize have to send it in...wonder if they'll enforce that part? It really slows things down as it says you have 14 days to respond before the prize goes to someone else, then 5 days to send your box. That takes us right up to the fest. Potentially if someone doesn't respond in 14 days there could be a very last minute new winner!
  10. Does anyone know if clippers save their 5 winner announcements until the end or if its like Brothers and someone could win any time?
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