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Posts posted by Sku

  1. Just had a look through the 00z. Does it get any better?

    No rain & lower 20s during the day. Perfect festival weather.

    And the heavy rain and thunderstorms of Monday night have swung decisively eastwards. Crucial for those of us who are arriving on Monday.

  2. 6 minutes ago, GMF said:

    I like how we are all fully supportive of more female acts on the Glastonbury stages, but no way is womens football going to delay a programme showing what will be predominantly male headliners over the history of the festival. 

    I was actually quite enjoying watching  extra time just wasn't bothered about watching a shoot out. 

  3. 58 minutes ago, FuzzyDunlop said:

    The scrapyard was my 2nd favourite stage last year. Hopefully the new one is just as good.

    I've never had a bad time in there. It makes sense to make it bigger, after it kept having to run a queue line last year. Everyone has started catching on!  Discovered a lot of great artists outside my usual listening habits from time spent in there.

    Hopefully the sound system remains on point, still going to be surrounding by shipping containers so should be pumping.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Notamurderer said:


    Yeah I'd guess that's crew who have just arrived. I think the various volunteer organisations often do a site walk around this time of the day for new arrivals.

    I'll also be doing the same come Monday evening!

    • Upvote 1
  5. Saw his R1 Big Weekend set on the telly. Seemed to be a winner with the crowd, had a lot more memorable tracks than you would expect. Will certainly be a huge party in that tent, but up against some tough clashes.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Iron14 said:

    I don't see why they have that policy. You just barcode entry. If you 'lose' your ticket and attempt to sell it on to another, it's a race to the gate. The same happens with camping in WV. x people per bar code - once it has been scanned x times, no more entry. There are so many reasons you could lose a ticket, no matter how hard you try. 

    Some other festivals can invalidate the old barcode and issue a new one instead. Obviously those are all eticket based festivals, so the process is cheap and automated. With Glastonbury still having physical tickets it's a lot more hassle.

  7. 2 minutes ago, mark_ovens said:

    Also make the world's most annoying crinkling shaking sound, plz spare your tent neighbours ?

    It's also annoying to yourself. How can you sleep with that thing rattling around? Seen many people try it then take it down again an hour later.

  8. This is the apocalyptic rain people are talking about on the Monday night before the festival.

    It looks pretty nasty, but it could yet change course and miss the site. Still a fair few days out, and these kind of thundery downpours are notoriously hard to predict.

    This now seems to be the one and only major risk of us seeing serious amounts of mud. If we swerve this, it's not looking like a muddy festival. If it's a direct hit... it might be a little muddy to say the least. But it would soon dry out with the hot weather predicted!



  9. 4 minutes ago, Henrik said:

    Ok cool, cheers. Getting very exited for my first Boomtown now. I'll be even more so once Glastonbury is over and I can stop feeling depressed about not having a ticket for that!

    Yeah, just starting to get a bit excited now. Glastonbury is just the warm up, Boomtown is the proper party ;)

    • Upvote 1
  10. 53 minutes ago, Henrik said:

    Not too long to go now guys. Any idea when we can expect this year's map? 

    They released a "map video" at the beginning of July last year, but the actual full PDF map didn't come until a couple weeks before the festival.

    They don't like giving detailed maps too far in advance, as they like to try and keep some surprise. When I first went in 2012 they refused to publish a map at all.

  11. This is the most entertaining forum thread I've ever followed. Brilliant stuff, thanks everyone for making it happen.

    Dreading tomorrow when we will be talking about mud and 200mm downpours again, but for now I'm basking in the 38c sunshine.

  12. 54 minutes ago, Tartan_Glasto said:

    I’d 100% be on some form of disciplinary if my work ever tracked how much of my day was spent on this forum. 

    Just had my monthly performance catch up, and my boss says I'm doing a great job at the moment and he's really impressed.

    Clearly he's not looked over at my screen at any point this week then...

    • Upvote 1
  13. Heds Party lineup for Silver Hayes.

    And yes, you can pick up the headphones and keep them all weekend. I stayed in Oxylers and did just this. The signal could be picked up from my tent (though it was a bit patchy). Since you get the deposit back anyway, only downside is the risk that you lose them!


  14. 17 minutes ago, fuzzy_logic said:

    Why don't they put down some hardpack or temporary tracks in the SE corner of they have heavy machinery in and out all the time ???

    There are loads of temporary tracks down in the SE corner and have been for weeks. The whole of Block 9 is covered in them.

    Ignore the fear mongers ;)

  15. 19 minutes ago, Kinkyinuit said:

    If it works effectively or not, at the very least it's a deterrent for what happened in 2017 with the guy who made thousands of the bands.  If people are aware that there is that system in place, they'd be less likely to buy a wristband that would not work.

    While it is a shame (for some) that various EPO band blags are now effectively over, you've got to respect that GFL has to respect the licencing conditions, the safety of the revellers and the future of the festival.

    Oh I totally respect the decision to do it, and I think it's the right decision. Just was highlighting that I've seen it work badly at a system last year. I'll be wearing an EPO band myself, so I'll be sure to report back on how smoothly it went.

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