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Posts posted by Skip997

  1. 16 minutes ago, stuie said:

    Haven't you got a dirty old truck too? 

    I have a diesel T4 in her 20's and no plans to change that either.

    So what if that "dirty old truck" were to double up as a home with considerably lower emissions that living in a flat or house?

  2. 2 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    this isn't an economic decision, it is a political decision.

    Maybe one day people will make decisions based on the environment.

    Completely correct

    Truth is that no one in power is in the slightest bit serious about this.

  3. Just now, stuie said:

    Sadly it won't make any difference as we share a world with China and USA who will swallow up our net savings. 

    So I'm still going to fly on holiday.

    Include India in that.

    Anyway I don't blame you.

    When we haven't even got the balls to ban the production of endless amounts of unnecessary disposable shite, almost certainly produced using coal, then why should individuals bother?

  4. We can cut our in country emissions as much as we like, but will still be responsible for these


    Figure 3 shows that in 2020, emissions associated with imports from China were 38 mt CO2e, which is 62 per cent higher than the 1996 level of 23 mt CO2e. They now account for 14 per cent of the emissions associated with imports, compared to 9 per cent in 1996.


    Lifestyle attitude consumerism and greed reset required as much as using technology

  5. Just now, Ozanne said:

    Yet last night you were rubbishing Labour plans because doing clean energy by 2030 wasn’t possible. So your post is a bit rich. 

    Yet again you're twisting posts to suit your own agenda.

    At no point did I rubbish anything.

    I made the obvious (to anyone with any real knowledge) point that we haven't got a chance of reaching "clean" energy by 2030 regardless of who is in charge.

    Unless we radically change our attitude across the board and stop worshiping the pound.

  6. This isn't a game about who is best or who to support, it's a case of seriously trying to save the human race.

    It's that crucial and we have got a lot less time than most people think.

    Political point scoring or desperately trying to get reelected is only leading one way and it ain't going to be pretty.

  7. Just now, Ozanne said:

    Yes I imagine the fossil fuel firms are happy that the U.K. will use clean energy by 2030. What nonsense. 

    They've been prepared for such for decades, Shell for one have been developing renewable technologies. 

    They're currently trying to maximise their profit from fossil fuels.

  8. 20 minutes ago, beau1 said:

    I think you are over-emphasizing how much people care about the situation. Whilst, Win's actions are certainly questionable they are really no different to some of our beloved acts such as David Bowie, Led Zepplin; and dozens of other acts that have controversial moments whether involving sexual misconduct or not.


    This is a really good point.

    I very much doubt any big 60's or 70's band are totally innocent.

    The Stones even wrote a song about sleeping with under age girls.

    There is a tendency to cherry pick who is cancelled

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  9. 19 minutes ago, stuie said:

    Labour or Conservative, there is no way this country can achieve clean energy by 2030.  We have motorways full of fossil fuel cars and lorries, 7000 planes in our skies every day and about 50% of our energy still comes from non-renewable sources. Even 28 billion a year won't fix that. 



  10. 5 minutes ago, clarkete said:

    Pretty sure it's the latter

    Yea it is

    There is a weird belief from some that putting her on as a headliner will kill the festival, while forgetting that Mumford and Sons headlining didn't.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    It’ll be a zero carbon electricity system by 2030.

    Are we talking zero carbon emissions from generation or zero carbon for the full life cycle of the generator.

    The first is possible, I really can't see how we can acheive the second without using fossil fuels or having the components made abroad.

  12. 7 minutes ago, fred quimby said:

    They mention fossil fuels will be decades in use. Now whether they are talking carbon capture doesn't really say and that is very ambitious in 5 years

    We really can't be using fossil fuels for decades, the science is clear, we haven't got that long to be messing about.

    A radical change is required across the board and not just in our chosen use of fuel/power sources, but also in which technology we continue to use,  how we life our lifes, what's actually important and most impotantly we need a massive (for want of a better word) spiritual evolution.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    So what’s your point? Just seems like another excuse to moan about Labours plans even though it’d be something you support from anyone else. 

    You  clearly haven't read what I've written.

    My point is that we can't just stick up a few wind turbines and a load of EV charging point, insulate a few buildings etc

    It's an extremely complicated problem with a huge number of factors.

    If we really want to reach 100% "clean" energy, then how about the goods produced for us in India/China etc?

    Are we going to do without them or make them here?

    Or more likely just ignore and claim the associated emissions have nothing to do with us.

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  14. 6 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    What powers the boats and barges on the canals?

    It's a good question. Currently likely to be deisel, but I reckon you'd get a lot more moved per litre than using HGV's.

    Of course there's the option to use horses.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    Yes it’s very ambitious and exactly the type of ambition I thought you would welcome. Maybe if it wasn’t Starmer’s Labour saying it you’d be more welcoming of the plan. 

    I don't really care who is saying it or where it's coming from and of course we should try.

    All I'm saying is that I know enough (Fdsc Renewable Energy Technologies, BSC Hons 2:1 Environmental Resource Management) to know that with the way we're going and the huge scale of the problem it's highly unlikely we will get anywhere near.

  16. 1 hour ago, Ozanne said:

    I think the ambition is the timeframe, clean energy by 2030 seems very ambitious to me. If the U.K. can get there in that time frame then we’ll have done an incredible job with both public and private sectors working together. 

    100% clean energy?

    They haven't got a hope in hell. Sure they may be able to get all electricity production "clean" by then, but only by continuing to use nuclear, which although relatively low carbon is not clean.

    The big problem is transport.  Even if they managed to get all cars/vans etc running on electric, (very ambitious) there's still HGV/shipping/aviation/railways.

    There are some relatively quick fixes, one "no brainer" which to the best of my knowledge isn't even in consideration, is using canals to transport non perishables.

    But there is very little joined up thinking and real long term planning happening.

    Said it before but a major problem is the 5 year government, it discourages the above and encourages parties to focus on retaining or regaining power. If we're to have any chance they the political parties need to properly work together long term.

  17. 2 hours ago, stuie said:

    Yep… it’s weak everywhere - UK and Europe line ups so far are generally exciting and as Supre has helpfully shown us it’s pretty miserable across the pond too. 

    If you have to take a year off festivals due to kids/work/life then it’s looking like a good year for it 😂

    I'm confident it'll be great where and when it matters, i.e. between midnight and 6am in Arcadia/Silver Hayes/Block 9/The Common

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