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Posts posted by Skip997

  1. 2 minutes ago, Acid_Haze said:

    I thought they might get away with the the only 1 female headliner thing by doing a full Saturday of female acts on the Pyramid.

    Plenty on there for me, some bad clashes

    And ...

    There's no way Janelle Monae should be below Judas Priest, talk about insulting

  2. 1 hour ago, gigpusher said:

    Completely agree but chatting to people at Glastonbury I am frequently amazed by how many just stay at the Pyramid all day regardless and how little musical knowledge they appear to have.

    Never ceased to amaze and confuse me

    But it's probably for the best

  3. A while back Tricky was booked to headline The Big Top at Beautiful Days (second stage). When he found out it wasn't the main stage he suddenly became "ill" and pulled out.

    The Damned who were subbing just carried on.

  4. 1 minute ago, Paul ™ said:

    Surely the crap on this thread lately is as bad

    Woeful moderation or is it only certain views you all silence? 

    Not the case.

    1 minute ago, Crazyfool01 said:

    its not been ignored I can absolutely assure you 


  5. 1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

    I agree the fault is with big firms and governments and generally speaking someone getting a few flights isn’t going to be the problem. But if you say ‘lifestyle attitude’ is a problem then you are kinda placing it on normal people too. 

    Fair comment

    The best way to stop these big firms is to stop buying their sh*t, which is partly where ‘lifestyle attitude’ come in.

  6. 1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

    You said earlier ‘lifestyle attitude’ and ‘consumerism’ is a problem. 

    Of course it is, but can't you see that the fault lies with the big companies, advertising agency's etc

    Sadly most can't see how we're being manipulated to make the few rich.

  7. 1 minute ago, stuie said:

    Flying off on holiday isn’t a bad thing in my book. We all have choices to make to lessen our impact on the planet - if I want to fly instead of having kids and eating meat that’s my choice. Where do you draw the line?

    All travel is bad. Should I not visit my family anymore because however I travel that 300 mile round trip I’ll be creating emissions. 

    Should we all stop going to festivals or travelling for any reason? 

    The way guilt has been loaded onto the "man and woman the street" is outrageous. Their behaviour is a mere "drop in the ocean" when compared to the behavior of governments, big business, corporations, the super rich etc

    We're constantly bombarded with adverts encouraging us to buy completely unnecessary shite under the illusion that it will make us happier. Reality TV serves to make us feel inadequate for not having what the elite few have and adds to our wasteful consumerism.


  8. 2 minutes ago, stuie said:

    He could see them because I quoted them… and took screenshots because they were full of slander and untruths as it happens.  

    It's a serious thing to be accusing people of supporting a prescribed terrorist organisation.

  9. 2 minutes ago, stuie said:

    What about all your past flying holidays? Do they not count?

    And I’m not buying the no increase in emissions bit either… why would anyone go and stay on a yacht that’s not going to move at all? 

    People don't seem to understand emissions.

    They're not just from moving a plane/boat/van etc. They also include manufacture, use of and disposal of.

  10. 11 minutes ago, giantkatestacks said:

    Stevie cannot clash with Chaka. That would be inhumane. 

    Maybe a little tricky, but at the end of the day West Holts beats The Pyramid

  11. 11 minutes ago, jfaragher said:

    UFG has to stay I'm afraid - it's the last surviving hangout of a lot of the old traveller crews who really invented the SE Corner, and it's important that the festival has a way to honour its legacy and the people who had such an influence on the festival, especially in the late 80's, 90's etc.  

    This is a good point.

    It also seems Guerilla bar was introduced as another hangout for the old traveler crews.

    Bare in mind that there is little respect for such on here.

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