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Posts posted by Northtim

  1. 1 hour ago, sfroml said:

    Also completed the Leeds 10k today. Very warm conditions and a bit hilly in parts but such great fun!

    Well done.  Yeah - coming round a bend in the 9th K and seeing that long hill was a bit of a kicker!

  2. This day last year I got taken into hospital with gallstones and jaundice, spent 5 days there and missed Glasto.

    Today I just smashed 5 mins off my PB in Leeds 10k. Having a beer and about to start packing for Glasto.

    Feeling pretty f**king good!

    • Like 1
  3. Better than EE, not as good as the unofficial Glasto App. Although if it ran a bit smoother and gave the choice of must see/might see it would be better. They have a week or so for updates so here’s hoping.

  4. Just now, fullfathom5 said:

    Changed slightly - Blur are playing Dublin on Saturday and The Weave are playing Dublin on Sunday (was originally Friday, been moved today).

    Interesting - a gig date is not just moved for no reason.  Puts Blur in the mix too.

    • Upvote 1
  5. The Twitter account was followed by GF official account, and Foo Fighters official account yesterday.  Today it has also been followed by Pulps official account.  Plus a few new tweets and the pics have changed which means nothing to me but some clever efester must understand.  Yesterdays tweets were FF references, I guess todays are Pulp?  In which case it is just trolling us! 

  6. 11 hours ago, gooner1990 said:

    After nearly two weeks the gout seems to be slowly calming down....today is the first day I can walk easily since the attack happened on 10th May....still getting the odd twinge here and there this morning but nothing that's impacting how I walk.

    Just pray it doesn't flare up again on the farm!

    I feel for you. I had gout a couple of years ago. Take daily meds now and haven’t had it since. Seafood (shellfish) and not drinking enough water seemed to trigger if for me. Never had it at Glastonbury but if you get that warning tingle an attack is on the way drink loads of water. My Doc gave me indometacin tablets as well when I had flare ups and they would help quickly, or even prevent it getting bad if taken early enough.

  7. 52 minutes ago, circus92 said:

    Wonder what they are doing here - is that where the Tipis usually are?

    Started just after lunch yesterday and now well across the field.


    There has been a bit of trench digging around the site.  Maybe for extra mobile masts for Vodafone?

  8. 25 minutes ago, themuel said:

    The system couldn’t be fairer. It’s that simple. 

    I think they’ve finally nailed it. Even if that makes it harder. 

    It could be too simple. Hope I’m wrong but can see someone designing an app and renting some server capacity to sell tries now there’s no payment. That could mess it up.

  9. Hi - I have a ticket and am retrying for friends on Sunday, but available to help out tonight.  DM or reply with anything I need to know, or do I just pic a pair from the coach tab on your spreadsheet if I get through?  I have an northern bias as I'm from Yorkshire so will probably pick a northern departure group if left to my own devices!!

  10. Is anyone doing Leeds or Manchester 10k's from here?  I am entered for both.  Manchester is late May and Leeds weekend before Glastonbury!

    I started running before last years festival, but got struck down with a Gallbladder infection the sunday before the festival and was in hospital with jaundice and on a drip until the friday so missed it all - which was really tough.  Got running again and did my first 10k in York in August in just under 1hr 10mins, then slacked off again for months.

    I've been doing 5k's on and off since January and am now ramping that up to 2 or 3 a week and about to start increasing distance up towards 10k ready for May.

    Gallbladder was removed in November so that mishap can't happen again so I should be fit for the festival - can't wait.  Long time since 2019.  No running at the festival, just plenty of booze and wandering aimlessly but getting fitter should mean my 50-something bones can cope!

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Hugh Jass II said:

    Sold out already? Showing as unavailable across the board on See.

    (I already have a ticket but was curious to see how quickly it would sell)

    Tried for James tickets this morning.  On sale at 9.30 and See immediately went to unavailable - can't be right can it??.  Bagged a couple for York through ticketmaster but could only get balcony and those sold out in about a minute.  Loads on resale sites though 🤬


  12. Missed 2022 despite having a ticket as was admitted to hospital a few days before (Jaundice from gallstone/gall bladder problem).

    So pleased we got tickets at 10.20 today after having nearly given up. I’ll be back at last and will make up for that ticket I held since 2019 and couldn’t use!

    Gall bladder removal op later this month so hopefully no bad luck next year!

    • Upvote 1
  13. 47 minutes ago, BBC7BBCHEAVEN said:

    Payment wasn't the only issue 

    We had four attempts at getting through that wouldn't go past the registration confirmation page, it kicked straight back into the queue instead.

    Yeah this - something very odd going on. Although another of our group eventually did get through and buy the tickets at 10.20 while I was still stuck in that look. Clicked back and refresh but no way out of it.

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