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Posts posted by Dave_c

  1. 1 minute ago, Zoo Music Girl said:

    I've actually never been to the co-op on site! Was 2019 its first year? We always just buy overpriced coke and ginger beer (we take rum) from food stalls but would be handy to use co-op. Sounds not very reliable though.

    First year was 2019 yeah. I didn't even think about the co-op this year and paid through the nose for cans of coke at the festival shops (2.50 a can). Anyone know what the co-op were charging?

  2. 1 minute ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Issue with the coach sale is winding up with a crummy departure point and having to haul ass to Inverness or something in order to meet the bus.

    This. Always wondered why they don't just sell the tickets first then based on postcodes determine where and how many coaches to distribute around the country.

  3. 40 minutes ago, a6l6e6x said:

    Not packing Gaviscon

    Not seeing Brass Against at any point

    Top tip, just take Nexium (or any esomeprozole) each day whilst at Glastonbury, that's what I do and works a treat no matter how much cider I drink (it's the cider that gives me major heartburn).

    • Upvote 1
  4. My main regret was not doing much after hours this year. Unfortunately my other half couldn't go in the end, so I spent most of the festival on my own. Had a mate and his other half to spend time with but they called it a night each night at about 1 or so, and whilst I tried it's hard work on your own to get the motivation in the wee hours to go places.  Other than that I think I made good choices this year overall.

  5. 41 minutes ago, Talcroft said:

    Disgusting - portaloos. Although it's the first show of the season so maybe they'll be OK. Don't wear decent shoes either... The floor is old concrete and I always get booze-and-dust mixed grey paste on whatever I wear. 

    O dear, thanks for the tips

  6. 12 minutes ago, Talcroft said:

    I missed them this year as I was on shift, but they had the same slot in 2015 and it was a bloody blinder. 

    Got tickets to see them at Mayfield Depot in Manchester in August with Bonobo, v excited. 

    Cheers for the tip off, just bagged some tickets too 

  7. Did it always have the Lazers or were they new for this year? Don't recall it having them in the past, at least not as many anyway.

    Thought it was pretty underwhelming as a spectacle compared to the crane, looked lost in that field compared to the scale of the crane. Definately time for a new installation that doesn't require planning permission! Let's see if they change things up for next year.

  8. 8 hours ago, dulcificum said:

    I get that point to some extent but do you get to camp by your mates at WV? There's definitely no need for queueing for campsites if you're not bothered about that. And the 2-3kg tent split between is but a small fraction of what the average person "lugs" in.

    You tell them in advance other people you want to camp beside and they put you all next to one another.

  9. 15 hours ago, kalifire said:

    I’m not comfortable with Glastonbury getting so explicitly involved in the commentary of the war to begin with. Not that there isn’t a clear victim and perpetrator, just it doesn’t quite sit right with me to have Zelensky call on Glastonbury Festival goers for support. As others have said, requests for funding of arms and weapons underneath the CND symbol is weird at best. 

    I'm with you on this, I was elsewhere on site so didn't see it, but watching it back was bizarre.  

  10. 4 hours ago, DeanoL said:

    Circus tent opening Thursday night (and closing early on Sunday) shows they understand this to some extent - I think that started 2019 (and before anyone asks, yes, it was rammed).

    The Williams Green thing is crazy at this point. John Peel tent is bigger right? Could they not at least run the sets there? Even if at the same volume as in WG? 

    Surely you could put some big name comic on at the Cabaret tent too? And a Silent Disco somewhere?

    I'm aware there are more noise/licensing restrictions on Thursday, but if they can run WG/Circus/Cinema/Cinearmeggon there must be some options there. Put the Bowie 2002 live show on the Pyramid screens Thursday night. Every year. Get a popular acoustic act on at Strummerville. 

    Or just try and re-negotiate the license to have the Pyramid run 6pm-10pm on Thursday night. 

    Good ideas. Even if they just played some music on the main stages it would help with overcrowding on Thursday. When they were sound checking West Holts they played Toto - Africa and everyone was dancing away and loving every second of it. A mixture of this type of feel good, get up and dance music on pyramid/other on Thursday night would be great.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, Ricci's Special Kebabs said:

    "Lets go and see Ziggy Marley"

    While standing at West Holts and he was actually playing, they walked away. 


    He didn't play at West Holts, he was on Pyramid on Friday morning.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Just now, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Thirded. Long queues for a handful of flashers gradually turning into fetid saunas or a 5 minute walk to three pristine blocks of airy long drops was a no brainer.

    Ssshhh, don't tell everyone or they will all be at it!


    1 minute ago, moogster said:

    Were you in the middle of block C too or was that a different couple?

    ANd yes the Strummerville long drops in the morning were perfect.

    Nah block H, clearly there were other couples being quite vocal about it too.

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