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Posts posted by mikegday

  1. Just now, defrio29 said:

    probably just avalon

    too early for the full poster

    When you consider we got the initial poster 1 week earlier than in 2014. If they're replicating the announcement pattern of 2014, rather than previous two years. The timing isn't that early for the stage split poster. But I also accept I'm clutching at straws.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Havors said:

    It certainly hasnt helped. In general the scots voting for SNP has helped the Tories into power, sort of cutting your nose off to spite your face. In my opinion from the outside... they either need to leave the UK or fuck the SNP off and go back to Labour if they dont want to be rules by tories. 

    So if we presume they did all vote labour one election, but the Tories still won government. Chances are they'd be allowed a referendum a lot quicker, because then they'd be a liability to the conservatives. If you think about it, there's no reason to allow them to break away right now, because by voting SNP they arnt hindering the Tories in anyway. They should be smart and give the Tories a reason to allow it. 

  3. Am I wrong in thinking the rise of SNP have made the path to victory easier for the Tories? If we look at the map of the 2005 election, a lot of Scotland voted Labour and if repeated, they'd be a shoo-in, no? 

    I live in a very strong (70%) labour seat with the opposition being greens (12%). So it's a no brainer. 

    Im confused and I consider myself quite aware and interested in politics, if you arn't that politically aware then I can imagine this election to be impossible to understand.

  4. 1 minute ago, kalifire said:

    Christ, her entire Twitter is just a sequence of moans. 

    isn't it just! sounds like she's constantly trying to get summat for nowt. poor kid getting blamed for everything, nah you're just useless love.

  5. So one girl on twitter who has also messaged this Olly guy, is saying that surely there's something that can be done by see and messaging Emily to say that 'you know what its like to have a sick child'. YOU HAD A WHOLE WEEK TO PAY! I have no time for these people, there's people desperate for a ticket and they can't find 2 minutes in a whole week to pay it off. She is saying that she has had a sick child all week. Though she was also tweeting HM on the 1st April saying she can't log in to her account. So clearly had time to shop. I know I sound like a stalker, but reading these is infuriating. So I'm going to stop. Best of luck to anyone in the resale, anyone who missed the deadline clearly doesn't deserve a ticket.

  6. 6music said something earlier about Bonobo and Emily Eavis coming up on music news, but then it wasn't mentioned on the music news? Maybe they realised it shouldn't be talked about.

  7. At the moment I pay for worthy view, this will obviously be the first thing to go before I think about not buying a festival ticket - so I think I'm protected for quite a few more years. 

    In saying that, I think the festival have to look seriously at alternate ways to balance the books over just adding on £10 each year. I'd rather next time they make the deposit 100% non-refundable, if it means they could have a break from adding on £10 to the ticket price.

  8. Shaun Keaveny on 6 was just reading a letter out he got from British Sea Power and out slipped 'we hope to have a beer with you at Glastonbury'.

    They're now playing the 2nd single from their coming record, it sounds alright.

  9. Wont be a problem, just enter your registration as the booker at the first stage. Then where it asks for names accompanying you just enter the names of the people who have a ticket so far. Then next year, the week before, email a updated list including the 4th friends name.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Bekah551 said:

    Ah thanks for that.. that answers that question then!

    We only normally go for a scout tent which seem to pop up quite often with cancellations ect so hopefully we'll be able to grab one after the resale :) 

    Ye - better chance with scout than any, good luck!

  11. 1 minute ago, Bekah551 said:

    We have stayed at Worthy View for the past 2 years and loved it! (if anyone has any questions feel free to ask)

    However, this year we were unsuccessful on ticket day :(

    Trying to decide whether it's worth booking WV anyway and praying to the gods that we get tickets in the resale! 

    Usually it won't let you through unless you enter a registration number with a deposit registered against it.

  12. Hoping the original bell tent is easily distinguishable on the booking page from the new 'glastonbury' ones (the original is bigger). Do you think they will be treated as two separate products? Or do you think there's no way or controlling which one you're given? Could do without this confusion on booking day!

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