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Posts posted by mrf

  1. I love Foals but I would want to watch them for 1h45 to 2h though. In fact, there isnt a single band ever who I would want to watch for 2hrs, I would get bored.

    I would much rather have 75mins of full on best bits than flesh it out for the sake of it.

    Maybe I just have a short attention span.

  2. Having watched the whole thing here in the good old US of A, I can add that pretty  much the majority of people here were oblivious to the message of Beyonces song, simply cos you couldn't get it from the performance. Once you take the imagery of the video away (which her HT performance did) you're left with a bland song that repeats the same verse over and over again. Just because the press  says people are up in arms, it really doesn't mean they are.

    Coldplay seemed like a youth group covers band at teen  America band camp, and Bruno Mars was young boy fetish karaoke.

    The whole  thing was crass, weak, mimed and just awful.

    Lady Gaga had glorious sparkly eyelids, that's the thing I remember most about the whole night.

  3. If you take out the "always vote Tory" and the "always vote Labour" groups, you are left with the majority. Which is a shit load of people. People who are far more worried about the weekly shop, TV licenses, pot holes, bank holiday shop opening hours, that group by the bus station who are always drunk and shouting than they ever will be about Trident or Googles tax bill. They also want to know whats actually in it for them when migration goes up - yes, they know the red top media is scaring them with the horror stories about what 'might' happen, but no one on the pro-migration side is telling them the actual day to day reality of how things will be and how it wont actually be that bad. The mentality is "if its not all bad, tell me why". They see "if they lost all their paperwork, how come they managed to keep their iphone", "why are all the men leaving the women and children behind" as genuine questions. And I know thats all a bit of a generalisation, but its far more reflective of the actual public opinion than what Corbyn is pushing for. Thats not me stating my opinion, thats me having listened to people of no clear political leaning day in, day out every bloody week. 

    Try and ignore your friends, your preferred media, your preferred political groups. Of course they are going to agree with you and give you facts that back up your opinions. They already share your opinions, of course they will bloody agree with you! Your ethically compatible friends indicate nothing more than the fact that they are your ethically compatible friends. And thats the same whether your ethics are ban trident or kill a fox.

    Its nice and idealistic to try and think that the vast majority share the same ethics and morals as you, whatever they may be. But they dont. The vast majority want safe, quiet, comfortable, affordable normality. One that doesnt impact too much on their everyday existence.

    Going to the extreme either way will just push them the other way. 

  4. AC/DC may well be a change from the Muse-Coldplay-Adele option, but they are also boring as fuck. I have always thought they have one song, and the variation is just down whether they fire the AC/DC cannon once or twice during the intro...

    But it appears to be a more popular option than the other one, so I guess its a hopeful step in the right direction.

  5. 2 hours ago, eFestivals said:

    If there was nothing to write about, invent a whole new 'scene' thing as something to write about in a sensational way as a way to fill up pages. 

    that brings back horrific memories of them inventing a whole hoo-hah around Menswear....

  6. 5 minutes ago, Bradders said:

    So it is. I'd never seen him with that Twitter handle before so assumed it was one of the many fake accounts.

    If you're quite rightly able to see why that tweet is offensive why do you think calling someone a vacuous whore isn't?

    I'm not in any way arguing that my tweet is not offensive, I argued it wasn't misogynistic. My references to Kanye tweets  were partly to highlight that my comment about a single person was beeing deemed misogynistic while he was being defended despite making generalised negative comments about women. 

    If you consciously make a sex tape that you then get your mother to promote, and then marry someone for the minimum time to fulfill a contract in order to get the financial pay off, then by dictionary definition you are a whore. Whether you like the phrase or not.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Bradders said:

    That's a parody account.

    So far of your main 3 critiques of him 2 weren't true and the other was horribly misogynystic. I'd give up now.

    You might want to check your facts actually. It's one of many screen captured tweets from his account in 2011, which were all deleted when he restarted his account. Have a look, they are all out there! Including the comments where he says he has to tell Kim what to wear so she doesn't embarrass him. Nice.

    As for the misogynistic comment, disliking a person is not misogynistic. If so, every comment slagging off Adele is. Do we need to go back and -1 all of those?

  8. Just now, Badlands said:

    And stop crying about your downvotes you big wet lettuce! 

    But I just want to be loved!!!

    I know Kanye wouldnt have initially known they were disabled, but to single a couple of people out at a concert and stop everything until one of them even had to wave their prosthetic leg at him...  he may not be malicious, but fuck me hes a bellend at times!

  9. And Kanye West is a bellend. As for him not being a dick to fans, maybe run that one by the disabled fans he singled out in the middle of his shows when they wouldnt (couldnt) stand when he ordered them to.

  10. Haha, oh dear. 10 down votes for saying someone is talking bollocks. 7 downvotes for saying something nasty about Kim Kardashian.

    And yet theres pages of vitriol directed at Adele, even a comment calling her anxiety and panic attacks a completely calculated move - and none get down voted, or accused of misogyny! Wow, love the level of integrity there. Good to know that saying someone accusing you of misogyny being bollocks is ten downvotes more offensive than mocking someones mental state.

  11. 1 hour ago, jonodillieono said:

    Which is why I said for those not wanting to plug their phone in at least once a day - or twice for iPhone users! I use an Anker one like that and its amazing.

  12. 2 hours ago, wilem said:

    And we're back to people being horribly misogynist about someone they have never met. Lovely. Just lovely.

    No we are not. Dont let your Kanye fetish lead to making bollocks statements

  13. 2 minutes ago, ghostdancer1 said:

    assuming this was the reason for pre-recording it, then i'd put the chances of her first big outdoor gig being live on the BBC somewhere around zero.

    add this to the fact that she is probably aware that a large amount of the Glastonbury population would not have put her as first choice, it all does point to her not being there. Imagine being nervous of large crowds of people who adore you - then add in the additional fear factor of not getting a completely positive reception....

  14. 23 minutes ago, wilem said:

    Regardless, Kanye is a musical genius also. He has invented an entirely new sound that very few artists have managed to do, and has almost unrivalled musical presence. I think he's phenomenal.

    Yeah, thank god for Kanye otherwise rap and marrying vacuous whores would never have happened. Oh hang on...

  15. I almost bought the Wolf Alice album off the back of their Jools Holland performance, but then I heard the studio versions and they sounded so weak in comparison. Since then have heard a couple more tracks and they all sound very weak (not as in quality, they just dont have the attack the live performance had)

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