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Posts posted by mrf

  1. 1 hour ago, Doug85 said:

    No surprise really today. Only surprise was that it was at 5:12pm! 

    Anyway that fake poster that was floating around has gotten 2 headliners right at least as well as ELO. I bet Emily Eavis although happy to admit it was fake was thinking 'how the hell do they know those are playing' 

    there's some decent names on that fake poster although it's missing the stone roses and its misspelled Radiohead as Adele....:P

    2 headliners, ELO and PJ Harvey!! 

  2. To be fair, the TV crowd and the Glastonbury crowd will be very different. The (majority of the) sat at home on a Saturday night TV crowd will be channel hopping and will stay if something catches their attention. If they are Radiohead fans they will be happy (much like the people in attendance in a big lovely field). The reality is that the majority of the TV audience are indifferent and will flick channels when bored, irrespective of a bands assumed godliness.

  3. I love how people think Adele wont draw a big crowd, assuming somehow everyone who buys her records dont also go to festivals, and people who go to festivals will only listen to 6Music. How naive.

    Whether she will be good or not, thats an opinion. To say she wont get a big crowd is complete fuckwittery.


  4. 1 minute ago, russycarps said:

    On one side there's an aircraft maintenance, technical support and training services company. On the other a not-for-profit music festival.

    Which one do you think sounds closer to the "most bourgeois thing on the planet"?


    Depends if you are reading his interview (and watching the video) in its context, or choosing a single line to justify a pretty ridiculous point

  5. 2 minutes ago, russycarps said:

    do you think not-for-profit glastonbury festival is more or less bourgeois than an aviation company?



    depends if you see flying people home who are in afghanistan and stranded in other countries to be bourgeois, but £600,000 of VIP superloos as acceptable

  6. 1 minute ago, russycarps said:

    does he refuse to play glastonbury on the grounds that it's the most bourgeois thing on the planet?


    His full quote was this.

    “Personally I have no interest in going to Glastonbury,” he told the Daily Star. “In the days when Glasto was an alternative festival it was quite interesting, but anywhere Gwyneth Paltrow goes and you can live in an air-conditioned yurt is not for me.”

    Just accept that he doesnt like your festival, and has an opinion that is different to yours

  7. 1 minute ago, russycarps said:

    It's really quite simple.

    If you look like this:



    and say this:

    Bruce Dickinson has vowed never to bring his band to Glastonbury Festival after dismissing it as “the most bourgeois thing on the planet”.

    Then you're a daft c**t.



    Fuck me, so now its anyone who wears a suit and has a high position in any company! What exactly should he be stood in front of if he is trying to start a company whos product is flying

  8. Just now, GrowlerPhil said:

    I'd rather be a non Executive Director. Possibly free chips but no claims against me for food poisoning.

    Win win

    Either way, you are sorted for chips! Living the dream!

  9. 1 minute ago, russycarps said:

    The teeny tiny difference is frank turner and emily eavis havent scornfully dismissed the festival for being too middle class.


    So basically its ok as long as you dont have a negative opinion of Glastonbury?

    Of course you could then turn your point around and say that people who went to even more expensive schools are approving of Glastonbury, therefore supporting his statement!

    At the end of the day, linking someones  school to what they can and cannot say as an adult is stupid.

  10. Im looking forward to BMTH playing at Glastonbury.

    Im loving the amount of people basing opinions on having seen them over 5 years ago, never having seen them, or not knowing them... and how their favourite (but to other people, equally shit or invisible) band is so much more deserving of the slot!

    Heres an idea, if they are being bandied about for a very high slot and you havent heard of them, go and listen rather than think you are a barometer for quality music. If you do, and you then decide they are shit, fair enough.

  11. 2 minutes ago, russycarps said:

    He's the CEO of an airline company. He was privately educated. And he wont play glastonbury because he scornfully dismissed it as being too middle class.




    Privately educated is neither here nor there. That is slightly out of his control! If you are using that as a measure of someones suitability, Im guessing you hold that against people like Frank Turner and Emily Eavis then. His schooling and his opinion are two completely separate things and its ridiculous to think one should dictate the other. Again, Joe Strummer?

    Hes CEO of his airline company? And? What does that have to do with it? Its a title. You can be a CEO of a chip shop if you wanted to be.

  12. Just now, russycarps said:

    You can help the hypocritical statements that come out of your mouth though.


    I dont think where his parents sent him as a child, and what his opinions are now, can be called hypocritical.

    Do you agree with everything your parents thought when you were a child?

    Is Frank Turner going to send his kids to Eton?

  13. 1 hour ago, russycarps said:

    Iron maiden are unlikely because the lead singer who was educated at Oundle private school thinks glastonbury is too middle class for him to play there

    Oundle school:


    You cant help where your parents send you to school.

  14. I have tickets, my predicament is that right now I dont know if I will even be in the country. So part of me sees a good announcement and panics I wont be there, then sees someone naff confirmed and tries to placate itself that I wont be missing much.

    Im taking a little solace in the fact that if I end up not going I will be so far away that I can pretend its not really going on.

  15. I was still doing heavy lifting in the gym when returning to festivals, and it sucked arse. The following year I had swapped heavy lifting for more crossfit style workouts, and the constant tramping around was a lot easier.

    This year I have added a lot of running into it, and it bloody well better make it even easier as Im not doing it for the enjoyment!

  16. 13 hours ago, supasum said:

    New King Blues song posted on their Facebook, not sure if I think its terrible or not, but its nice to have them back and angry

    Its angry, but it sounds like 15yr old kids trying to be political. Unfortunately its so far down the line that I cant take anything Itch does seriously.

  17. 7 hours ago, HoTWire said:

    I'm indifferent to both, they are effectively equal.

    Whilst we're here: I also think LCD Soundsystem are not very good.  The Libertines are only famous because everything else was shittier than them.  Arcade Fire are okay.  ELO are uninteresting.  Blur haven't made a good album (but some good songs) since Modern Life Is Rubbish.  The Stone Roses are terrible live (I've seen them three times across the years, always bad).  Whoever headlines Glastonbury it'll have little to no bearing on whether you have an enjoyable festival.

    Clearly Ozric Tentacles should headline Pyramid on the Sunday, with Jean Michael Jarre's 80's light show.

    I agree a lot in that post... except I would have left the comment at "Blur havent made a good album".

    Imagine Ozrics with that lightshow... and a sheet of strawberries...

  18. 6 minutes ago, Roses4Baggie said:

    what the fuck are you fucking on about you fucking pikey c**t



    R4B x x

    Are the asterisks to allow us to guess the missing letters? Is it like hangman?


  19. 2 minutes ago, SwedgeAntilles said:

    Always a possibility, I just think it’s mental that someone could listen to the likes of Tomorrow Never Knows, Helter Skelter, Dear Prudence, Something, Glass Onion, I Want You, She’s Leaving Home and say they’re ‘boring’.

    Dont get me wrong, there are moments of genius. But the same can be said of so many bands that never get put up on the same pedestal as them. Unfortunately (for me) the moments of genius are spread too thinly to justify their godlike status.

  20. 4 minutes ago, SwedgeAntilles said:

    Always strikes me that people who have a pop at the Beatles sound like they haven't listened to anything released after 'Help', well apart from Hey Jude and Let It Be.

    Or maybe they have and simply didnt like it?

  21. Theres a list of bands that seem to have a "you cant say anything bad about them, you HAVE to laud them" aura around them. The Beatles are on it, Led Zeppelin are on it.

    I find the Beatles boring to the point of tedium. And the solo stuff from any of them is even worse (obviously except for the Thomas voice-overs). I never criticise people for liking them, yet if you say they do nothing for you its treated as if you are saying it deliberately in order to get a reaction.

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