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Ged Devereux

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Status Updates posted by Ged Devereux

  1. Finished for the weekend.... All I plan to do is watch men in funny clothes hit a ball with a stick around a field ⛳️

  2. Happy Birthday Buddy ☺️

  3. Why do Courteeners always pick the worst songs off their album to be singles

  4. RT @XfmManchester: "Shyness is nice & Shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to." Classic Smiths on XFM #NowPla

  5. It's not even half 5 and I'm home, showered and in my pyjamas ☺️ !

  6. Right time to give Leftovers a watch.... #leftovers

  7. Not happy he's dropped mata

  8. Groves is listening to Glodie looking chain.... Your mothers got a penis

  9. George groves ( especially in that SnapBack ) is a massive Penis

  10. Super 6 is hard again this week, keep changing my scores

  11. First proper run since I did the marathon, how I did 26m I don't know, but that's the target again! First one's always the hardest! #fucked

  12. Smooth Radio.... One song you're at the love train, the next you're getting ready to jump off Barton bridge

  13. Always hated the 'who to follow' coz its full of people I don't like and now it's right in yer face

  14. Say it every time there's an update and end up liking it but still

  15. iOS 8 taking fucking agessss to download! It best have sorted the ducking/fucking auto correct out

  16. There should be an emoji of a smiley dude with headphones on ☺️

  17. RT @KendalCalling: A date for your diary: 30th July - 2nd August 2015. #kendalcalling2015

  18. Let's see if this lives up to the hype.....

  19. I wanna steal your soul

  20. RT @GlastoFest: Glastonbury 2015 tickets on sale 1 Oct (coach + tickets) and 5 Oct (standard tickets). Info: /nHYIT4IDDX http://…

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