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  1. Ghost are 100% out, Andy told me and a few mates at DL this year before Avenged came on, he said he asked them but they are doing their own shows instead, maybe 26 he said.
  2. Ghost 100% out, they are doing their own shows and no Download.
  3. Slipknot, Parkway Drive & System of A Down are my predictions for next year.
  4. Ghost ruled out next year, Andy confirmed he asked them but they’ve opted for a tour next year instead, so maybe 26 he said.
  5. The thing I Like about Shikari is they have no massive egos, they love what they do and they always deliver live, I have seen them 5/6 times and they’ve never disappointed even in a tiny crowd in an arena to which Rou jokingly said 'Making arena shows intimate’ due to the lack of attendance, similar to Broco the bigger venues they do don’t sell as well due to how much they tour I guess, but there’s no way Shikari play lower than a 3rd down main slot.
  6. When looking at Green Day dates on Ticketmaster, Lytham Fest comes up to purchase tickets?
  7. Shikari are weird ain’t they, brilliant band, but when they try and do a bigger tour it doesn’t sell well. I remember when they done Cardiff arena years back I’ve never seen the arena so empty, barely a quarter full.
  8. I like Bad Omens but are they really that big? Have they done a full size sold out academy tour over here? I’m sure they have history being abit diva like.
  9. Are we fully ruling out Limp Bizkit and Turnstile at this point?
  10. See you this time next year Yeasty with the 2025 headliners.
  11. Funny you mention Shikari, they are still yet to be given a main stage slot at Download.
  12. And Download would have still probably sold out even with them having their own tours booked.
  13. They just need to scrap the if you got a tour booked you can’t headline rule, it’s sh*t and it’s why we haven’t seen the likes of Foos, Green Day, Blink, RHCP at Download.
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