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Posts posted by MrsRookin

  1. I would love to go on my own, but our group just seems to be increasing in size! In the past I used to love travelling on my own (did Rome and New York solo) and found it massively liberating being able to do exactly what I wanted at my own pace, linger over the things I enjoyed and skip the bits I wasn't fussed about. I imagine glastonbury solo would be like this only 1000 times better, but don't think it will ever happen - would feel incredibly rude telling my friends (and my husband!) to sod off and leave me to it!

  2. I REALLY need to get on it - put on weight since last year and currently doing zero exercise. I know what I need to do, last year I made a real effort to get fit(ter), strengthen my weak back and lose some weight, and found everything at the festival so much easier for it (particularly the wednesday slog in carrying everything). I just can't seem to get motivated. Keep starting my diet and lasting about three hours, and exercise just isn't happening. I need a massive kick up the arse...

  3. I can totally recommend my 30-odd year old Scarpa leather boots without even the merest hint of Goretex ... but you'd probably need a foot transplant in order to fully appreciate their finer qualities. Oh yeah, and be warned that they don't smell so good these days (and haven't done for a good many years !) so they're defo not tent friendly by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, given the choice, you probably wouldn't want them to be in the same field TBH :lol: A decent pair of walking boots are worth every penny providing you look after them and they'll be your feet's best friend if you also break them in properly and get used to wearing a couple of pairs of wooly socks.

    Must have walked 1000's of miles in them but apart from numerous pairs of laces and countless tins of dubbin they've cost me nowt to keep on the road so to speak. Been in use regularly every single year since I bought them but only for relatively light duty stuff plus a couple of festivals a year since 2002 or thereabouts. One in the eye for the "dubbin rots the stitching" brigade seeing that they've enjoyed lashings of the stuff. Stupidly heavy, somewhat lacking in tread now and generally well past their prime in absolutely all respects but still virtually 100% waterproof despite the cracks, unbelievably comfortable and good for everything from full-on scorchio to total mudbath ... to frozen wasteland :P No need to check the forecast, they're the only footwear that ever accompanies me and Ye Olde Tent wherever we may go. I wouldn't swap 'em for anything no matter what until such time as they're in several pieces so wont actually stay on me feet any more ! Might even have to get a new sole unit stitched on in a few years time if they still make such things and there's anyone left who knows how to do it. Anyone know what Scarpa stuff is like these days just in case they do decide to give up the ghost before I do mind you :O

  4. We've always camped in Rivermead as usually get the coach - lovely chilled field, neighbours have been nice enough although not particularly social, plenty of space.

    However last year the crushes in Silver Hayes put us off walking through that way (and in 2011 the mud in the area was full-on glue). As a result I am going to drive this year, we will come in via gate D so thinking Dairy or Bushy. Have walked through Bushy Ground several times (long way back to Rivermead to avoid Silver Hayes) and it has seemed quite similar in terms of space and atmosphere.

  5. Never just put inside a bag full of all our valuables and leave it with them. We go back move to the side of the que take what we need out of it and then re sign it back in. They dont know whats in the bag and shouldnt be looking through it anyways which they dont cause you can trust them. Never had any problems...

    If you were worrid just get a bag with two zips you can lock together with a little padlock and keep the key around your neck all weekend and treat the lock ups like you do at other festivals when Lockerhouse is available!

  6. I take a small camelbak, fill the bladder with rum and coke, enough room to squeeze tissues, purse, camera etc around the bladder. Very compact, and means drink is accessible at all times!

  7. I've been a wellie wearer for my last few fests, but thinking of making the transition to boots. And my husband definitely needs boots for this year - he has spastic diplegia (basically increased tone in his calves so he walks on his toes) and last year after a long day walking he got stuck in his wellies as didn't have enough movement in his ankles to get them off - an hour of him screaming, some baclofen and cocodamol finally did it but fairly traumatic!

    So looking for walking boots this year. I know a lot of you favour them, so what do you recommend? Feed my Glastonbury shopping obsession and SHOW ME YOUR BOOTS.

  8. Thank you for this thread - have been considering giving up our tickets this year due to the financial stress of buying our first home. Have worried about how insufferable I would be come June if we didn't go but struggling to convince myself we could justify the cost. However reading through this has reminded me why there is absolutely no other option for us than to go. We can do without nee wardrobes etc for a few months, but CANNOT miss those five days in my favourite place in the whole world.

  9. As a few others have mentioned, the idea of Arcadia moving to Silver Hayes makes me worry a lot about crushes. Getting through Silver Hayes at various times last year was pretty scary, too many people in too small an area. I don't see how sticking Arcardia in the middle could possibly work without getting rid of a lot of the other stuff there.

  10. We camp over in Rivermead so used to pass through the dance village on the way to and from our tent. However due to a couple of terrifying crushes in Silver Hayes last year we started going the VERY long way around via the old railway line and coming in from the back of bushy ground if we ever went back between around 7pm-2am for any reason. The area was prettier to look at this year, and agree the Gully and the blues areas seemed good although didn't spend any real time there, but the rest was just as soulless as before, except with a larger unpleasant crowd at times.

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