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Posts posted by deebeedoobee

  1. Please bear in mind those of you in the wild Mid and Northern Lands of the UK that down here in the South West we're not getting the same weather as you.


  2. just got barred from B&Q, some twat in an orange apron came up to me and asked me if I wanted decking, lucky I got the first punch in!!!!

  3. me too Jeffie, got a festie to go to tomorrow.

    Night all and be good - I don't want to see anyone on the naughty step or in the mosh pit

    as for the weather thread - he who dares.........usually gets shat on

    Don't let the bed bugs bite and all that jazz

  4. Another question to add to the list.

    What is the track you are listening to now, or if not now, what was the last one.

    I am listening to:

    Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Garden

  5. Thinking a little more about "first albums" My parents bought me my first cassette recorder when I was about 10. With it came 3 cassettes:

    1. Beatles White album

    2. Bob Dylan

    3. marching band music from the Scotts guards

    I think they wanted to cover all bases :girlimpossible:

  6. Bump this NFR NFC:

    1. First popular music (as opposed to nursery rhyme type thing) song you EVER remember hearing...like on the radio...a parent playing it, etc?

    2. First record / CD / whatever you bought..as in went into Our Price (example) and bought it yourself?

    3. First album, if different from the above, you bought?

    4. First song you kissed to?...whether or not it was your first kiss...you remember...yes you do!

    5. Favourite Ginger, famous or otherwise?

    6. First gig.

    No fibs now!

  7. Back in the day, My older brother bought my younger brother a Shawaddywaddy album for Xmas, which was put in a see through bag when he bought it - he promptly made ME carry it down the street because as a long haired metal head he couldn't face the embarrassment of being caught with it in his possession.

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