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Posts posted by deebeedoobee

  1. 22 hours ago, stuie said:

    any news from the well this year? And the hi tech weather equipment obvs! 😀

    Unfortunately we are embargoed over the period ( working down the farm) and can't find a way of putting out some quality info with the time available to us. Who knows about next year.

  2. On 5/23/2024 at 3:39 PM, Ayrshire Chris said:

    Yes, last week we wandered the lanes around the perimeter and saw the site from the skate park. Didn’t do the public footpath to the tithe barn as it leads down to the working site. Workers everywhere. Great to see!  Had a nice chat with the security guard at Mary’s Gate.  There was a fish and chip van there last year but no sign of it last week. 

    the chip van is now in the pub car park every Tuesday.

  3. 6 hours ago, bennyhana22 said:

    I just want to say that if Enrico Sangiuliano gets a slot on either IICON or the green monster I will be delighted. He's very much big room techno in style, but he really knows how to put a set together. 


    His set at Boomtown in the Woods some years back was so so good! I'll be there to see him again this year if he plays. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Ayrshire Chris said:

    Shame, used to love the cafe in its spot just close to the Avalon tent. Great place to go on the Wednesday and Thursday. Nice breakfast eggs as well! Wasn’t it run by the flying machine locals? 

    Has been in the past.

  5. 5 hours ago, Sasperella2 said:

    Are you going? I wish I was! Mud bath or no mud bath. 

    The good thing about BT is it is built on chalk. So there is never any depth to the mud. It’s gonna be sunny and marvellous an wobbly and fun , as always.

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  6. 1 hour ago, deadponyclub said:

    did anyone find this onsite during the festival? I didn't see it, but may have missed it!

    It was in Joe Rush’s yard all festival. Just up from our binnie camp

  7. On 6/29/2023 at 10:47 AM, PassingCloud said:

    Anyone go to Max Cooper? That and the preceding Leftfield at The Park was definitely one of my festival highlights. Both audibly and visually stunning. 
    Going to be booking tickets for MC in Birmingham. 

    Yes! I was at Max Cooper. What a set, from start to finish it was crafted so well. Possibly my dance highlight of the weekend.

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  8. What funnies did you hear? What snippets of conversations made you smile?

    I heard:

    girl to boy she was with “ don’t scratch that bite, because it’ll become infected, then you’ll get sepsis, then you’ll die and I’ll never get to see Elton! “

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  9. 2 hours ago, sedra said:

    Good luck to all of you getting out the pyramid field now- stay safe ! 

    I was just in front of the big tree. Left at the end of the set. Walked to Glade, via the long drops and was there in 15 minutes . So crowd control/ flow was great

  10. Just spoke to the avalon guys. Avalon field looks tiny cos the tent is twice the size it should be.  They ordered the wrong one. hence why yhe helter skelter has moved

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