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Posts posted by dondo

  1. Indeed they have. I had an awful moment in 2008/9 (can't remember which) when I thought they'd gone!

    They used to be right by the slurry pit (basically take a left after Worthy FM). A couple of years back they moved about 100m to the right, along from the food places up in front of the farm. It made them slightly busier (presumably because people can actually see them now)

    Just typing this I can hear the sound of the metal doors slamming shut in my head...

  2. Have these lovely flushing loos moved? Reason being that I knew where they were and used them in 2003,4 & 5 (indeed in 03 my mate had such a phobia of portaloos that he used to walk all the way from where we were camped at Pennards to use them every morning)but when I looked for them last year they seemed to not be where I remembered

  3. BB King 35+5=40

    Biffy Clyro 30

    Elbow 52

    Laura Marling 30

    Metronomy 45

    Morrissey 24

    Paul Simon 51

    Stornoway 40

    Tame Impala 21

    The Fisherman's Friends 24

    The Gaslight Anthem 42

    The Low Anthem 21

    The Master Musicians of Joujouka 20

    Two Door Cinema Club 40

    Wu Tung Clan 45

  4. As a massive U2 fan part of me wants to be right down the front but will probably be further back- at my age and after consuming a fair few beers/ciders proximity to a loo is handy!!

  5. I've done litter picking during the festival twice before and will be doing so again this year.

    Yes there is opportunities for paid work after the festival litter picking- the signs I saw last year said you had to meet on the Monday or Tuesday and got 3 meals a day plus I presumed you camped up in Tom's Field where staff showers/ food etc is.

    I heard that it is pretty hard work and you are worked very hard- hands on kness crawling along over every single inch of site removing evry last cig butt etc.

  6. I always fancied going especially I seem to remember in 92 when Carter USM were playing (as was and still am a massive fan)but mate wanted to go to Reading instead but we ended up doing neither. But still had a yearning especially when the TV coverage started

    11 years later in 2003 went for 1st time at age 32- originally was going to work as some colleagues had done it in 2002 and raved about it but bought couple of tickets instead and went with old school mate and had a ball- went with my then girlfriend (now wife) in 2004 & 5 then had a hiatus due to having a family before returning last year working as I am this year. Planning to go with family in 2013

  7. Fair enough - but it is MILES to the kids & circus fields from there - more so for little legs.

    I have camped in Family field since 98 - our group has had kids from 8 months up to 18yrs over the years.

    The issue in Family Camping is the large groups of "extended family" camps, with maybe one or two older kids but often 10 or more adults.

    Given the proximity to the kids field, it is simply not on to allow groups of late teens and twenty somethings, with parents & parents friends, to hog the field intended for the families with kids up to about 15....

    Whilst they are no doubt groups of family members, rather than mates, in the last few years there are noticeably more groups that have few, if any, kids under 15 - so they aren't using the adjacent kidz field. The nature of these older families is also to have largish camps with big tents.

    Probably the "original" kids field families just getting older, and returning there out of habit - fair enough, except the field is next to an area for younger teens and kids.

    When I used to go without kids pre 98, I camped on the hill opposite the pyramid - party central back in the day - but just as I wouldn't camp there with kids, I don't expect groups who could/should camp elsewhere to pitch up in family camping.... it isn't fair on the "little legs", or the parents of younger kids.

    In past years the Stewards have definitely been stricter about who pitches there.....this should return. All it needs is a polite request to the go over to the East side, or camp in the adjacent field just over Muddy Lane.

    No kids, no pitching..... certainly on Wed...maybe relax the rule if not full by Thu PM.

  8. I can't get the clashfinder as have too old version of IE at work but here's my plans so far


    Two Door Cinema Club

    Wu-Tang or Vaccines

    BB King or BAD

    Fleet Foxes or Jimmy Cliff

    Mumford & Sons or Morrissey


    Plus not sure what time Barenaked Ladies are on on Friday so may well catch them



    Graham Coxon

    Noah & the Whale

    Lee Scratch Perry or Glasvegas or Deacon Blue


    Don McLean


    Paul Simon

    Duane Eddy

    Gruff Rhys or Suzanne Vega or Stereo MC's

    Plus would like to catch Billy Bragg plus some comedians

  9. Last year I had pair of walking boots as was working as a litter picker and they were good for that.

    Also had pair of trainers and some sandals

    Did have some wellies but they stayed in the car due to the hot weather

    This year a similar arrangement will occur I'm sure

  10. One advantage of the buggy is your 3yr old could sleep and be covered from rain etc by the plastic rain-cover.

    Of course, you could rig out the trolley for this purpose....

    Another thing to consider is transporting it to and from the festival.

    Have you the room to pack a trolley?

    Our buggy folds up nicely and fits into the top-box.

    Aside from that, the trolley would be better able to get all your stuff from car to tent site.

    Assuming it's one of the strong metal one with good castor's, (I've seen wheels come off some of the lesser quality ones...)

  11. I attended the festival last year for the first time in 5 years and the 1st time as a dad, though didn't have the kids with me. But looked at the festival in a different way and noticed a lot more people with kids (I know they were there before but was more aware of them) and chatted when doing my litter picking one morning with one couple who had a young baby and how they found it- they said they'd "cheated" and had a campervan or a caravan but found it different but still enjoyable. I also had a wander around the kids field and other kids areas.

    All of this makes me think that we can't wait to take the kids with us. The plan is that next year we'll take them to a smaller festival, probably Camp Bestival or Solfest (happy to hear any other recommendations)and if that's all OK then Glastonbury in 2013 when the kids will be 6 and 4.

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