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Posts posted by Krazypinkminx

  1. well last year was my first Glastonbury and I found the mud and rain hard going,and then the heat,lol I was carrying a backpack that weighted the same as my brothers on the 5 hour hike to camp and he is a lot stronger and bigger than me, really cried at one point, all I can say is I hope it was a bad one so that I can look forward to a better one next time :) and now I know what to expect and what to take and not bother with.

  2. I was quite shocked by my first festival, I really thought I would get some sleep, I didn't sleep for 5 days, so much to do! And people were noisy but I used ear plugs and eye mask and I got a bit of sleep on the Monday,lol but everyone is different, I find it hard to sleep at home so when I am away anywhere I don't sleep, but try to take everything that will help you, nice sleeping bag, socks, ear plugs, eye mask and if all that fails lots of alcohol, but be aware that sleeping pills or antihistamine can ruin your next day, as all that walking is hard work especially in that mud :)

  3. THat's exactly the sort of tent I want, except I already have a new one, was going to buy the blacks one posted above but its gone, think someone bought it :) I like a storage area away from sleeping area, our tent don't have that but It's really sturdy and so easy to pitch.

  4. It's nice to chill with a group by your tent but I have found it better to chill in the festival not at the tent, we go to the tent to sleep that's it, don't eat there either but that is me, I don't care about what others do as long as they don't take the Mick, if they do I quite happily stamp on tape or walk through "their" area, lol smiling as I go :)

  5. Omg that is terrible, I hope you feel ok now as I bet that affected you for a long time :(

    Why? Because some people feel that, with violence they can take whatever they want.

    We went to the cinema field to watch fight club, 3 blokes with a very distinctive accent (don't hold a grudge against the rest of the city) sat down next to us as we had a candle and proceeded to go through stuff they had just 'obtained'. It became clear very quickly they were trouble when they beat the crap out of someone right in front of us. My mate did one, leaving me and his sleeping brother, they then started trying to set fire to my mate's sleeping brother's trousers with the candle, so I dragged him up to get him out of there and the just piled into us. My mate's brother didn't know what the hell was going on as I dragged him through the field while he was being attacked and no one was doing a damn thing to assist. After about 50 yards of dragging him with blows raining someone stepped in to help and the 3 of them disappeared to find easier odds. My mate's brother took most of the beating, with his ear being left a shredded mess, I still don't actually know his name, I'd only met him an hour before we went to the cinema field and I've only seen him a couple of times since, his ear is still ruined.

    I'd seen violence at festivals before, but never this. These 3 blokes were literally walking through the festival beating people up and taking whatever was in their pockets when they were down on the ground. They were early 20s, shaved heads and trackies, it's my belief they saw the news saying the fence was down and decided to head down to glastonbury seeing rich pickings (a field full of posh students and stoned hippies).

    That sort of thing doesn't happen any more. Like I say, it was the best part of a decade before I went back. It seriously messed me up at the time and it made it very hard for me to remain on friendly terms with my mate as he had done one, leaving me and his brother to face them alone. Our lift home had fallen through so we accepted a lift that morning with my mate's brother (who was obviously no longer keen to stay).

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