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Posts posted by Krazypinkminx

  1. right i need help...... finding a tent, i need a 4 man with area to sit as i recently started getting panic attacks in small spaces. i have a great pop up tent but its just one room. gelert ds4, and as its pop up and nightmare to carry. my budget is a small 40 quid. any chance at all! ebay is my best bet i suppose.

  2. lol, at this thread turning into essentials to how often you dump! all i can say is if your veggie like me and think a lovely hot tasty lentil curry from near the healing fields is a good idea, it rules out the opportunity of holding your poo for more than 6 hours, dear god almost passed out in the tent with the fumes :D

  3. hand sanitizer! ponchos from pound shop, sun hat, i am taking a light coloured umbrella as that heat is a killer with no shade. I have a roll up water bottle (great for vodka in the evening) as water is expensive but essential with all the walking. although everyone had their own ideas on what is essential. its the little things that made a difference to my festival.

  4. love this blog, and love this place as its the only place that i can talk endlessly about glasto without being told to shut the hell up! i am going with family, some i went with last time añd others not been béfore, i am the only one that is full swing into it, no one élse is excited or want know the new chat going on :( i even mock packed my new backpack this week,pmsl (it weighs 10kg)

  5. I went with the intention of getting wrecked, took loads of vodka and all sorts of my favourite things, as it was my first time away from my 4 kids and hubby all at once but i hardly drank or ate much, was far to knackered! that mud took it out of me, it was mainly the walk from E9 car park to pitch the tents under pylon that was sooooooo exhausting. the rest of the fest was chilled :)

  6. I really enjoyed her at Glastonbury, not really bothered before, where as kool and the gang were a favourite of mine for years till I saw them at rewind, they ruined it for me.

  7. if it were discussed at the interview I think you should tell her that its quite clear that you will be going, its already paid for and planned. they took you on knowing this was booked, they can't turn around and say no now, I would take sick that week, lol if you end up being let go, well its better than having to find a job before you go anyway. nothing lost apart from a reference.

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