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Yoghurt on a Stick

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Posts posted by Yoghurt on a Stick

  1. Watching that "2.10" video was genius more for the fact that i don't think you get that any more - in the respect of everyone in the whole club clearly on the same drug (and we all know what drug it was) and absolutely loving it (no matter how crap or cheesy it was). Has that same drug sold now-days totally changed its physical properties and thus physical mental reactions over the years? As I think you'd be hard pressed similar footage in this day. Or has our tolerance built up more of a resistance? Hmmmm highly interesting

    That is an interesting one. If you put a gun to my head and said make a decision, I'd say the stuff around today is not the same. I'd gladly pay the higher prices that were experienced back then per tablet in order to get that spannered. That said, I wouldn't have the strength to do it as often as then. I could actually dance back then. Honest I could!

  2. If you put your foot down too, you'll get home that much the quicker. This means less time on the road and therefore less of a risk to the general public. It's a win win scenario.

  3. Having a small torch on you at night is handy too so that you can see clearly what you are up against. You'll be lashed by this stage so will need all the help you can get to avoid IT happening. Doesn't bear thinking about he says with a shudder.

    NOTE - remember the pile of shite in some portaloos can and does go higher than the level of the seat - hence the above.

    Good luck to all.

  4. Exactly. Too busy being involved with the morphing jelly feet to be able to connect to the festival itself. That said I'd do mushrooms at the drop of a hat.Never failed to find that experience anything but hilarious - even when I had to hold onto the grass outside my tent because I thought I was going to fly off the planet. Gravity had somehow disappeared.

  5. Why this thread has 2 and a half pages I don't know. Liam's probably been asked a question about Glastonbury and has given his honest opinion about that. That opinion may or may not be shite, but he's not going to shy away or give a different answer when he clearly feels that, to not offend some people who are childlishly over protective over a festival! It's not like he's slagged off anything important. It's the sound and some of the people who attend it, thats all.

    Then to try and give a reason for his comment people are spouting rubbish such as 'he clearly must not have been asked to play' and 'he'd give a limb to play Glastonbury'. Err maybe he just doesn't like the festival. Considering ME said in an interview that he was a fan of Beady Eye, I'm not sure where people are spouting the basis of their opinion on. He has said it before and its not like Beady Eye's success is going to based on playing Glastonbury. Its a festival, one of many in the British calender. Better than the rest, but still only a festival. That's all, not everyone believes it's great, like you do. I get the impression that some people really don't get this on this forum sometimes.

    P.S I feel the part of Bond Street etc. is bollocks. No idea why he feels that when he thinks V is the best festival, but hey ho, if he feels that so be it.

  6. I ruined the whole of one Glasto after taking particularly strong acid. Ferociously hot weather and I couldn't make it out of my tent very often because of 'the fear'. Sweated my nuts off in that tent for near enough the whole duration. Very unpleasant. I'd also back up those saying don't use Glasto for your first acid experience - far too much of a gamble with your pleasure and well being.

  7. Sober it would pain me but I'd go £2 - £3 per kg. Drunk and it could go anywhere in terms of £'s. I think it's a commendable gesture on your part but would think of it as too much of a gamble in terms of weather being bad = no ice sales, weather being good possibly = lots of ice sales, reduced drink sales. Why bother taking the risk, we'll all survive - hopefully!

  8. It's wise to bring at least a couple of spare pegs with you in case you bend some be it hitting rock hard clay or hitting a stone. They don't weigh that much and putting up your sleeping quarters for the first night may well depend on it. The next day of course it'll not matter as they'll be tent pegs lying everywhere from people tripping over guy ropes during the night, sending them flying all over the place. When yours have gone into orbit then just use the others that have landed around you. The Tent Peg Shuffle.

  9. True post-festival nightmare story, but it relates to All Tomorrows Parties, not Glastonbury:

    I did a pill on the Saturday night - didn't agree with me at all: 36 hours of paranoid hell. Not sure what it was, but it was some sort of synthesised crap. Thankfully, ATP is held in a holiday camp and you stay in chalets, so I was able to hide in our front room and watch the telly whilst being looked after by my chalet-mates.

    The following Wednesday, I was at work feeling reasonably well recovered, when I had to do an impromptu presentation to a largish group of managers. Formal stuff: everyone sitting in a big office while I stood up and jabbered. Half way through, I was suddenly and completely pole-axed by a repeat effect of the pill, just as strong as it had been at the weekend. I had to excuse myself twice and go out and get some water. I got through it, living off adrenaline and playing the 'hard bastard who wont let a bit of flu keep him away from work' card, but looking back it was one of my worst drugs nightmares come true.

    Top Tip: make sure your post-Glasto suicide week plans don't include making any business presenations.

  10. I feel very unhinged after Glasto. It's hard to return to the real world and leave behind bliss. One way of overcoming it is, if you can afford it, to have a holiday arranged for the minute you get back ie wash, change of clothes, get pre-packed suitcase and fly off somewhere. Nice to convalesce in the sun by the pool.

    Failing that then at least have until and including the following Wednesday off work (assuming you work). Of course if you have taken on board lots of bits and bobs during the festival then you'll have 'the fear' to deal with no matter what. If this is the case just remember at the time that you will not be alone, and yes it was worth it.

  11. Probably will not be able to make either meet - suspect I'll not be inside the festival for the first meet and will have gone into full Brownian motion mode by the second. May fly past at high velocity. If I don't make it, I'd like to take this time to wish you all in advance a ferociously fantastic Glasto. One with lovely weather too.

    Kevin - 45 from Birmingham. Can't recall how many Glasto's I've been to but it's quite a few. Hassibeeninyet came from a nom de plume used on an entry into this years art Turnip Prize (yes, it is spelt correctly). I really should have put some more effort in I know.

  12. The length of the sentence may be down to the fact that the w*nker was quite happy to run up scores of victims. This still wouldn't equate to a single death under the circumstances afore mentioned, but there hasn't been uniformity of sentencing for as long as I can remember (admittedly this is failing the more and more I get smashed at Glasto. Ho hum).

  13. I think you have to go for it Chris and give you and your kids the Glasto experience. Nowhere else has it, so you'll not be able to get it at another festival at another time. Whatever happens they'll not shoot you for making the decision to go, and your kids will thanks you and have fond memories forever of their Glasto days.

    Personally I left a funeral early to get to a Glasto. A bit harsh, and unusual arriving at Glasto in mourning suit and tie, but they'll be others dealing with all sorts of mayhem in order to get there.

    Have fun.

  14. Asda Direct have this one Pentax Optio I10 12.1MP down from £99 to £60.

    Maplin Electronics have this one (Olympus 14MP Digital Camera) with free delivery for £59.99.

    I don't know anything about cameras but they hit your pixel and price range.

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