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Status Updates posted by Bisque

  1. found out a lot of people cancelled Glastonbury tickets as they thought the V Festival line up was incredible... what a utter bunch of morons

    1. emily.eaton


      whoa. genuinely? idiots

  2. has finally landed an interview with Virgin Atlantic

  3. well I never thought I'd hear Korn playing dubstep!

  4. has just discovered Feed Me & nearly blew his speakers up

  5. James Snelgrove,Caroline Roper,Jack Killah,Andrea Bracher,Ant Britton... Coldplay or Chemical Brothers!!??

  6. all day interview with Virgin Atlantic tomorrow

  7. is going to see The Do Or Dies, The Flotels, Playlounge, Kerrie Lynch tonight!

  8. would you like to work for Aldi? No. Would you like to work for Virgin Atlantic? Yes!

  9. Blink 182 are a bunch of lazy twats

  10. loves his new shisha pipe straight from Afghanistan! Thanks Charles Coster!!!

  11. every live video of MCR I watch on youtube they are either rubbish or being bottled

  12. Manchester will be a mess tonight

  13. Foo Fighters or Moldova?

  14. I never knew I was a techno fan, but don't feed me plant food

  15. Prince now strong rumour for Bestival headliner

  16. not much actual F1 racing being shown at the moment but at least the camera men have their priorities right filming the ladies on the mega yachts

  17. wondered where all his money has gone... then noticed the payment for Olympics tickets! No idea for what events though

  18. Glastonbury Festival tickets have arrived

  19. thanks to everyone who came last night, lets hope the rest of the summers activities are just as enjoyable

  20. Deadmau5 for nothing in the rain, why not

  21. Glastonbury Clashfinder is looking crazy

  22. the beard has gone, but the moustache is staying

  23. enjoyed his breakfast at Glastonbury!

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