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Posts posted by rubenz

  1. I never seem to be able to come up with anyone I would like to headline!

    I could tell you who I wouldn't like (kasabian, coldplay, killers etc) but no inspiration for a good headliner next year.

    Mind you I would never have thought of some of the good ones from recent years eg Jay Z, Springsteen, Stevie Wonder..

    Sometimes you just have to trust in the Eavis'!

  2. I did that.

    I was crawling on my hands and knees through tents thinking I was in some war, I kept hearing bangs which I thought were guns.. Thinking the guy ropes were like vines.. The wonders of shrooms... And that was day one.. :lol: As you can imagine the rest of the weekend was mayhem.. I didn't sleep for 3 days.. Come sunday I was a total state. What a weekend though.

  3. Went to the pub yesterday with friend who went to glasto and some that didn't

    Friends girlfriend who did not go

    "Did you see Gorrilaz at Glasto , I watched them on TV and they were terrible really bad"

    Friend who watched them live "actually I thought they were ok"

    Friends girlfriend "no I am telling you they were terrible up until they end when they got better, were they on the main stage"

    Me "yes"

    Her "uuurgh" (this annoyed me..)

    Not sure what point I am trying to make here but it does seem nowadays people only want to hear stuff they know or can sing along to otherwise they find it boring or dont get into it or give it a chance. It should have been pretty obvious what sort of show and setlist to expect and it was never going to be sing along hands in the air spectacular. I suppose the fact the The Flaming Lips where on the Other Stage who are not as well known by the majority in the UK made for a bigger crowd for Gorrilaz also.

    For the record I went to see the Flaming Lips (I would say I know about 2 of their songs) followed by Sasha (knew about 4 tracks he played) and had a great time!

  4. .. that's what I'd like. The whole of the weekend over again.

    First time completely sober, making an effort to get to everything on my list.. remembering all of it in detail.

    Then again, off my bonce..

    Or maybe the other way around. Anyway, I've been watching the Arcadia stuff on youtube and just thinking how great it would have been to have been there sober, seen all those little bits going on, instead of being completely transfixed by the flames, or transfixed by the lightening. Ha. The pretty shiny things.

  5. Avi Buffalo

    Band Of Skulls

    Blood Red Shoes

    Broken Social Scene

    Chapel Club

    Cymbals Eat Guitars

    Detroit Social Club

    Frightened Rabbit

    Goldheart Assembly


    Good Shoes

    My Luminaries

    Peggy Sue

    The Courteeners

    The Dead Weather

    The Hold Steady

    The Joy Formidable

    Tiffany Page



    there's a few that would have kept you busy

  6. Went to see The Cribs this year on the other stage and though it was a great show. I seem to recall one of the Jarmans having a bit of a moan between songs about the lack of decent indie and the predominance of electropop style acts.

    Just wanted to see peoples opinions and if the traditional indie boys with guitars is out of favour at the minute or just a lack of strong bands in that genre?

  7. I think I agreed with you on a few of your points:

    Definately chatted to less random folk I didn;t know this year compared to previous couldn't really say why its just the way it was ( and I normally attract a few random characters!)There was no one up and about at our campsite at night (although we were in the furthest corner of South Park)

    Didn't chat to any stallholders but then normally don't although talked to a chorizo man for ages last year..

    Last year it seemed that the atmosphere was pretty electric, especially in the after hours bits but I think a lot of people were a bit jaded by the hotness as you say.

    Agree with drinking all day and not really getting drunk, but then I didn't really have any hangovers which was nice!

    Overall a vintage year , bit of a different vibe with the sun etc but I guess each year is special in its own way...

  8. Think I shall be going to Le Mans 24hr race, still involves camping in a tent and lots of booze but a slightly different crowd and a bit less environmentally friendly!

  9. Something I wish someone had said to me:

    Although the build-up is dead exciting, and it's impossible not to obsess over who's playing and where - once you're there, forgot about most of that and just see where you end up and who you see. There's too much to try and plan, especially if you're with others and you'll only stress yourself out.

  10. Take some gloves to carry your stuff onto the sight (my hands where shredded to bits this year carrying tents booze etc!)

    The only other thing to make sure you bring along is an open mind.. :)

    You will have an amazing time that is guarenteed..

  11. check them out on youtube. they played both '70 and'71, i believe. no surprise them coming back, really :-) --- the original plan was to have quite a few of the old headliners coming back. [sadly, tho, almost none did...so maybe it was a surprise, after all]. they were a bit miffed that so few turned out to see them this time round. hopefully that vid pays them back a bit and does them some justice.

  12. Is it right that they played the First Glastonbury and this is the first time they have played since?

    I saw them on TV and I think thats what they said. Must have been a bit of a suprise coming back if that is true!

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