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A Man

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Posts posted by A Man

  1. In 2007 I slipped in the mud near the Pyramid and dropped the four beers I'd just bought. After being cheered by the vast crowd who witnessed the incident, no less than four people came over and offered me cans of booze.

    Two of them offered me cans of cider though, the cheeky arseholes. I'm not 12 years old for Christ's sake.

  2. If the sun is shining, and it doesn't clash with anything else, this would seem like an ideal opportunity to park my arse for a bit and chill out with a couple of beers.

  3. U2

    Vampire Weekend

    Rufus Wainwright

    Dizee Rascal

    Franz Ferdinand


    Rolf Harris

    The Kinks


    Kylie Minouge


    Black Eyed Peas

    Mando Diao

    Ting Tings

    Mando Diao

    Lady Gaga

    Stevie Wonder

    Scissor Sisters

    Andy Williams

    Tom Jones

    KT Tunstall


    Lily Allen

    Corrine Bailey Ray

    Ye i know extrememly unlikely but still, i can dream...

  4. sound like these guys

    seem to remember them being at glastonbury over the last couple of years! ive seen them at solfest a few times, they normally get me dancing round in a drunken state too!

  5. So you would have been watching or waiting for Jay Z , and I think The Proclaimers were on the

    Avalon Stage.

    Now you would have either gone via the Jazz World stage , or passed the Leftfield and through

    the Theatre District I reckon.

    If you can remember which way you went it could help you answer your problem !

  6. Cheers, but it definitely wasn't the bandstand. The stage was in an enclosed area and I think there was even a small bar to the left of the stage. I really hope I didn't just dream it.

    Also, I think it was fairly close to Avalon if that helps as that's where The Proclaimers played.

  7. Hello all.

    I wonder if any of you good folk can help me? On the Saturday night in 2008 I was on my way to see The Proclaimers, it was probably some time between 10 and 11, I was probably heading from the Pyramid and I was definitely drunk. Anyway, at some point on this journey my attention was grabbed by the sound of some swing music being played on a tiny stage by a band of about 8 or 9 blokes all in bright yellow jackets? I ended up staying for quite a while, dancing like a loon, and it was one of my Glastonbury highlights. Trouble is, I have no idea who they were, where I saw them or if they regularly play Glastonbury, but I'd dearly love to see them again. I know that's not much information, but does anyone know what the devil I'm talking about?

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