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A Man

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Posts posted by A Man

  1. Official time is about 4PM if I remember correctly. However, I've sometimes stayed til 5 or 6 and never been forcibly ejected. It's worth staying until late afternoon to beat the rush, you can be stuck in traffic or queues for public transport for hours.
  2. This is probably covered somewhere or other, but I am far, far too lazy to look it up so there.

    Anyhoo, I normally have to shoot on the Sunday, but this year I can stay all weekend. So what I'd like to know is this - when do you have to be off the site on the Monday?

    I'm trying to decide whether to take it semi-easy on the Sunday and get off early on the Monday, or if there will be time for me to chill out for a bit, and get some extra kip, on the Monday morning, thus enabling me to go at Sunday balls-out.

    Please help.


  3. My friend has said his wife is getting really annoyed with him and his constant updating on all things Glasto. Line up, plans, clashfinder, camping etc. My wife stropped out of the living room when Shakira came on the TV, and I casually mentioned that she would be playing. As she left she said "I don't give a **** who is playing or what you will be doing at bloody Glasto, you are starting to bore me now!"

    Just wondered if anyone else has been lambasted by friends or family for constant Pre-Glastobation.

  4. Got mine this morning and it was a special golden ticket. Turns out I get backstage passes, I get to open the festival with my karaoke version of Better The Devil You Know and I get to pick my favourite cow to spend an hour with on the Thursday.

    Good day.

  5. Heading to the long-drops, going for a piss

    And who should walk right by me? It's only Catford-Chris

    Wearing a tight tank-top and loosening his kecks

    He pulls out a fajita and shouts "Ready for you Rex".

    Good day.

  6. It was a Threshers bag for anyone that's interested.

    Straight in the issue zone like a young Darkus Howe

    Soft like a tissue clone, sirloin steak from a cow

    Charlton f**king Heston take a motherf**king bow

    Linford f**king Christie best start f**king running now

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