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Posts posted by eFestivals

  1. 14 hours ago, Ommadawn said:

    Probably too late for Neil but a number of websites are reporting Alanna9 as a possible scam. Really interested to see what turns up next week.

    at those cheap prices i always thought it might be a scam, which is why i used paypal, you don't get a grands worth of mobility scooter for twenty quid, still hoping irt might come good. its also being reported as potentially legit.

  2. 20 hours ago, Ayrshire Chris said:

    Transformer, e fest in disguise.  Sorry, First thing I thought when I saw the name of it. 

    think its called the transformer cos it folds up and unfolds with the touch of a remote control button.


    20 hours ago, crazyfool1 said:

    The efest meet is gonna look very different next year when we all rock up on mobility scooters … the efest hells angels 😇 

    glasto supplies mobility scooters  to attendees using its accessibility scheme it'll be interesting to see how well that works it'll have to work well for me to have an enjoyable festival.

  3. Just now, gregory said:

    they look great, hope it works out. keep us posted.

    i probably wont shut up about it if it arrives, it'll be nice to have some mobility back and some independence.

  4. 18 hours ago, gigpusher said:

    Ouch! Think you may need wrapping up and keeping safe. Maybe one of those plastic orbs??

    im swafe in plaster till it comes off in an hour got to get myself to the hospital again.


  5. 18 hours ago, fred quimby said:

    Oh man what you do this time. Don't tell me Wheelies on the scooter

    that was from rolling over the mobility scooter last weekend @9the story i just quoted), my physiotherapist told me to get my elbow checked at hospital, so i did.

  6. On 10/10/2021 at 9:45 AM, eFestivals said:

    the latest on my year of disasters....,

    i rented a mobility scooter for a few hours yesterday  from the Shop Mobility service in bristol, as its more fun than my wheelchair, and then managed to rol the scooter over by being a bit speedy and wreckless, landing hard on my left shoulder, with my arm impacting my ribs, i was ok-ish a bit sore some grazes, and helped up by some nice people, i then went back home where i started to feel a bit shit, like i've broken a rib or two, so then called 111 to say i'd like to be checked out at the hospital, they took details and agreed so i went to a &e, which was packed, 27 people there, got seen in about an hour, and briefly checked out (no issues), and told they'd like someone else to check me but that would be a three to five hour wait, so sat back in the waiting room, where there was an announcement that there'd be a 12 hour wait, at which point i decided to bail out i didn't think i needed anyone else to see me, or that it was worth the wait, so went back home this morning i feel ok, a bit sore and bruised glad i didn't wait. careful of those mobility scooters, they roll over easily someone had warned me about that, i didn't pay enough attention.

    i hope thats the end of my dramas.


  7. that info is already on these forums, i'll attempt to extract it from the databases, ans past it here, might be a while will need to load the database  into something local to do that which will take a while.

  8. 9 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    The plot thickens 😂  … going to be interesting what we get now … and billie e came from that same source didn’t she and was spot on 

    billie came from a different source, i'm pretty good at judging what info is accurate and what isn't.

  9. 4 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    So are you still just as confident in your source then ? 

    given where its claimed to be sourced from it should be right. i can only put my trust in whats said thats the only basis i have for a judgement .

    based on what i've been told over the years, i trust this one, more than i do a punt of Matts.hes despeate to be right but rarely is.

  10. 13 hours ago, Matt42 said:

    @eFestivals are you sure the person who told you the headliners wasn’t told that Glasto were “waiting” for Kendrick or pencilled Kendrick in but it’s later not materialised? Because this is baffling.

    i said here what i was told just because it doesn't fit with something you want to believe doesn't make it wrong.

  11. 20 hours ago, eFestivals said:

    as a sucker for punishment i ordered myself a cheap (bargain/cheap £18) mobility scooter yesterday, so cheap i reckon its prolly a scam, i paid with paypal just in case, i'm wondering if it will arrive.


    too cheap to ignore, my order is now saying shipped looks like its shipping from china will hopefully arrive in around 15 days.

  12. 16 hours ago, Big durbs said:

    oh mate , you are going through the wars.

    it reminds me of seeing a chap coming out of the scooter place over by imperial park in hartcliff , he came out of the shop so fast , threw a 90 the thing was on two wheels , but fair play to him , he held his nerve , dropped it back onto four wheels and shot off up the pavement at approx 30mph , it gave me a smile all the way into the office in keynsham , and still makes me smile all these years later ,

    not 30 mph, theyre speed limited at much less than that the faster ones  the road legal ones that tend to be bigger) only do 8mph the smaller ones about half that.

  13. as a sucker for punishment i ordered myself a cheap (bargain/cheap £18) mobility scooter yesterday, so cheap i reckon its prolly a scam, i paid with paypal just in case, i'm wondering if it will arrive.

  14. On 9/29/2021 at 11:30 AM, Neil said:

    i've managed to kludge a fix, the page is working at the moment, it will get broken again, there's more that needs fixing

    i'm having another go at getting a working test set-up, when i'll be able to fix things i hope

  15. the latest on my year of disasters....,

    i rented a mobility scooter for a few hours yesterday  from the Shop Mobility service in bristol, as its more fun than my wheelchair, and then managed to rol the scooter over by being a bit speedy and wreckless, landing hard on my left shoulder, with my arm impacting my ribs, i was ok-ish a bit sore some grazes, and helped up by some nice people, i then went back home where i started to feel a bit shit, like i've broken a rib or two, so then called 111 to say i'd like to be checked out at the hospital, they took details and agreed so i went to a &e, which was packed, 27 people there, got seen in about an hour, and briefly checked out (no issues), and told they'd like someone else to check me but that would be a three to five hour wait, so sat back in the waiting room, where there was an announcement that there'd be a 12 hour wait, at which point i decided to bail out i didn't think i needed anyone else to see me, or that it was worth the wait, so went back home this morning i feel ok, a bit sore and bruised glad i didn't wait. careful of those mobility scooters, they roll over easily someone had warned me about that, i didn't pay enough attention.

    i hope thats the end of my dramas.

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