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Rolf Harris

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Posts posted by Rolf Harris

  1. Shangri la -2 (for being too busy after the main acts)

    Pussy Parlour +3 (for a decent late night boogie)

    West Holts 25

    Acoustic 31

    Avalon 27

    Bandstand 20

    Circus 18

    Croissant Neuf 25

    Dance Village 20

    Glade 27

    John Peel 36

    Other 22

    The Park 16

    Pussy Parlure 23

    Pyramid 25

    Queens Head 20

    Silent World 20

    Shangri La 21

  2. never mind leaving the area like that, how the f**k can they live in it like that for 5 days.

    constantly given bin bags every day it just doesnt make sense to just throw everything about the place.

    nearly left a tent once, i think it was 2007. It was one of those pop up ones and nearly gave up on trying to get it int the bag. after around half an hour of attempting an giving it one final go it snapped into place. Would have felt a right bastard leaving it.

    Also is that a bucket of shit half way through? Somebody actually thought that was a good idea.

  3. Acoustic 31

    Avalon 22

    Bandstand 20

    Circus 20

    Croissant Neuf 21

    Dance Village 20

    Glade 23

    John Peel 26

    Left Field 17

    Other 23 -5 = 18 for having consistantly snide sound year after year.

    The Park 21

    Pussy Parlure 20

    Pyramid 20

    Queens Head 21

    Silent World 20

    Shangri La 20

    Theatre/Cabaret 23

    West Holts 23

  4. 2008 was the only year I have ever seen anyone rifling tents, they were young lads 13-16ish. Looked like a right bunch of skegs, thay were all just laughing when the police had them questioning / searcing them. Must have been to young to prosecute.This was in the field next to the mandella bar, where my moron mate decided to pitch my tent, as he went down on the wednesday an i couldn't get there that year till the friday.

    This probably happened as no id was needed for ticket and you could just buy them up to the start of the festival.

    Had a mate who had a massive tent / marque they got out of the loot back in 99. They were near the dance tent (tent not area back then) and they got jumped by a gang in the tent slashed the sides open and taxed them for their money / drugs etc. This was pre super duper fence though.

    Obvious thing to do is can somewhere quiet away from the paths and get to know the neighbours.

    somebody isn't going to randomly walk into a field and pick your tent out of 5000 and steal your socks.

    keep your money on you and you'll be fine.

  5. The sheer size of the place will blow your underpants backwards. I still havent see everything there and have been to the last 6.

    constantly things going on till as long as you can do them for.

  6. I didn't get through on a call lat year untill the Sunday, aparently o2 was the worst. This year think we'll just be meeting at certains times for acts etc...

    I bought a spare battery for it last year and its still pretty handy for me as always travelling with work and easier just to swap batteries than trying to find a charger. Think it was less than a fiver on ebay but its for a pretty standard nokia,nothing fancy. Reckon the iphone types will spend the majority of the festival charging their phones up.

  7. I don't know if dropping your anchor in poo bay is the best idea after a girl has been holding it in for a number of days so to avoid the long drops at Glastonbury. It is effectively like a plunger effect and that ginger will lay an orange turd in your tent...guaranteed.

    PS. I heard that Purple Aki would catch muscly young men, squeeze their calf muscles and then for his party trick he would force them to pull down their pants and squat onto his face. They were in so much fear that they had to sit on his head.

  8. looked on asda & tesco websites last ight

    Boxed wine about £1 a box cheaper at tesco.

    Tesco 24 crate of Stella 4 £17.99 box of (10 £9.25)

    Those Heineken kegs are down to £12 in asda one of those would be good if you were at 1 stage for a while.

  9. I pulled in the Hari Chrishna tent in 2003, just wandered in from the glade at about 3am and there she was. Didn't do the no pants dance, I think it only went as far as playing the upside down piano but was quite pleased managing to pull in there.

  10. . Experienced campaigners and more importantly players in form such as Landon Donavon, Clint Dempsey, Tim Howard, Demarcus Beasley, etc. I really fancy the US to get something from this game with the English (0-0 or 1-1).

    Slovenia: got past Gus Hiddink's Russia in the play-offs. A pacey enough team who gave Russia plently of it.

    Algeria: will be absolutely bursting with national pride and also have one or 2 handy players in Bougherra, Ziani and Belhadj (who was excellent after coming on as a sub for Pompey at the weekend in the cup final).

    International football can be strange and Greece in 2004 showed that good organisation and a good team spirit can be a huge factor.

    I'll be eagerly awaiting the 2nd round ties of USA v Australia and Slovenia V Germany :P

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