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Posts posted by k1n60fthew0rld

  1. I'm on a record labels press list because I review for a blog, which the guy who runs it has contacts. Advanced copies aren't exactly few and far between, and any new release can be previewed by requesting a copy.

    You would imagine though, that it's not just the content of the album that makes the person big. For example, the likes of Little Boots and La Roux who both featured highly on Radio 1's Top Tips for 2009 were probably booked on hearsay.

    But again, with that said, bookers would also go and see bands live, or at least research them heavily beforehand.

    It's serious business, and obviously a lot of the major bands are booked in advance, so an album by a Headline band being previewed as an advance now, would make no difference whatsoever, and they would be booked on the knowledge that the album was coming out and an expectancy that it would be a success, along with taking into account how much advertising and press coverage it would get, and the odd demo copy of singles confirmed for the albums well in advance.

  2. The Star are a very very untrustworthy source in general. A lot of stories are fabricated an over-sensationalised, compared to the other daily's. I'd generally stick to eFests and Virtual Fests (although they seem to be drunk with their suggestions this year, apparently Leeds has a Festival Republic Main Stage). It's like the Mirror, last year, coming out with Sugababes have dropped out of the festival, whne they werent set to play. I'd keep to a music place for music based rumours, and not trust the Star to the hilt.

    Green Day are interesting however and I think it could be public demand that has made the Star publish that, plus eFest's uncertainty over MCR. Although another likely reason for them suggesting it could be something as far fetched as their wardrobe man from 10 years ago lives in Reading and has a second mortgage on a house in Leeds. They really do chat crap most days :P

    But with that said, all the hush surrounding the lack of certainity does suggest something is being hidden although I don't want to think it because I could well be let down.

  3. yep, it's a real tricky one

    i mean we want security to come down harsh on the ones that ruin it for everyone else, but obviously we don't want gthem being heavy handed where it's not called for

    but are they heavy handed when it isnt called for ? I haven't heard any stories of this tbh

  4. In all honesty, I think it depends how much you let it bother you, look at this list of things that went wrong for our group:

    1.) Got pissed on on Friday night --> actual urine, not rainwater

    2.) Stolen £80 in YME@6

    3.) 2 mates leaving due to illness

    4.) Losing a bag full of food and clothes from a tent

    5.) Snapping the tent on Sunday night

    6.) Stolen mobile phone

    7.) Milk emptied out all over our tent

    8.) Door left open during the downpour on friday night

    Yet beyond all that, we all went with the attitude of, it's Leeds, shit happens. I think if we'd let all of these things bother us, and the annoying as f**k Tango ride in Orange Funfair, then we could all say we had a shit time. But we didn't, because we all rallied together and thought, f**k it, we're seeing 6 or 7 bands a day which we'd all buy tickets for outside the festival, we've got drink, and a solid group of us to have a good time.

    Our group were all first time festivallers and all celebrating GCSE results, we got drunk, we stumbled around the campsite at 5AM on Sunday morning, not getting any sleep at all, but to say that nobody spoke to us was a complete lie.

    I'd say we met a good 20 people up for a laugh, two of which stuck with us for the entire night, we met people across the path from us at the campsite, met people in the arena during the Kaisers, all with the attitude of lets have a good time.

    I don't understand how a casual chant of Buttscratchers gets people in such rage, it's light hearted banter, and sorry but why would anyone want to start a conversation with people deemed to have such negative attitudes anyway?

    So this was my first Leeds, and it DEFINITELY won't be my last.

  5. All in all there's some decent bands in there I think. Ok so I'm gonna mention that I like La Roux, and will get her album when it comes out, but other than that Bombay Bicycle Club, Marmaduke Duke, The Blackout, Go Audio, Hockey, Marina and the Diamonds, The Joy Formidable. Ok maybe it's just me thats pleased :)

  6. I saw them in Liverpool in October. Their lead singer, Rou, is really good at getting the crowds going mental. Their pits are brutal too, lots of walls of death and alike

    But they're quite low down the bill, so i'd definitely say it's a worthwhile hour of your afternoon.

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