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Posts posted by k1n60fthew0rld

  1. Alright, my dad just broke down when he (some years later) heard the Scooter cover of Logical Song and said I should look up Supertramp. And I did. They've got a new website coming soon, and wikipedia (alright I know it's wiki) says they will be reforming to do a tour of europe this year. Just thought Special Guests somewhere would have been lovely :P

    Probably way off, just food for thought, and I'm really bored.

  2. You can't compare Peter Andre to Doherty. There completly different people and completly fanbases that they attract. The libertines got to the standing and fanbase they got from their music. Babyshambles were after the Libertines when Dohertys media life was at its highest, but did the record sales go hand to hand with the increase in media? No. The babyshambles album did worse than the Libs album. Andre's would have increased because he's market fanbase will lap it up much easier. Indie fans aren't like that. They're much more serious and care about their music and tho some will have an effect on higher sales, the amount will be extremly small compared to manufactured pop. Jamie Hince's publicity sky rocketed when he started appearing in the media a lot, but did the Kills do any better? NO Did the Gossip's second album do well after Beth Ditto's increased exposure in the media? NO. They're completly different music buyers, don't lump them both together. The libertines are where they are because there is a large amount of music followers who want them to play. Not becuase he's taking large amount of drugs or gone out with Kate Moss. Because of the music!!!!
  3. Hi All,

    I posted on here the other day with regards to me having to many tickets for Leeds. My mum is now panicking and wants them sold because they are on her card. I booked 4 with early birds, but then found out we need 4 early birds, for our own tickets. Confused yet? Basically what I need to know us, can I split the early bird from the weekend ticket? It's not like a combined ticket thing?

    My mate who got our 4 won't sell hers, and although it'd be so much simpler if she did, she simply won't budge.

    For those wondering, they will be going on Viagogo / sold to friends at face value.

  4. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/news/a21194...itting-row.html

    "Ian Wright expressed outrage on Live From Studio Five last night after The Libertines spat beer over show reporter Minnie Stephenson.

    Stephenson was interviewing the band on location at The Boogalo pub in North London, where they had earlier held a press conference to discuss their reunion plans.

    As the chat began, frontman Carl Barat was seen commenting on an earlier incident which had apparently involved his bandmate Gary Powell.

    He told Stephenson: "I have to apologise as our drummer just spat beer over your back."

    Viewers then watched as singer Pete Doherty approached Stephenson from behind and spat beer which appeared to land in her hair, prompting her to say: "There it is again. Wow, look at that - I've just been splashed with beer again. It's so rock 'n' roll, guys."

    When the show returned to the studio, host Wright was visibly angry and blasted: "You know what, Pete Doherty does my head in. I hate that geezer. He's spitting on her back. What a complete mug he is. What a fool. I hate that guy."

    Meanwhile, messages from viewers on Live From Studio Five's Facebook page have branded Doherty "an absolute disgrace" and "a vile human being" over the incident."

  5. Been here since last year, and this is the best thread I've seen. No real point adding my theories, looks like it's all been uncovered :P Although, just like to add, on the camping note, got there for 4pm on the Thursday, Orange Funfair is NOT fun. I was 16 last year and alcohol was fine. Didn't see many druggy dogs. And sex well, I think everyone is easy after a couple of nights with no sleep :P

  6. What i dont understand is some people seem to criticise people for being influenced by nme and saying its good that there are less "nme bands" on the line up. However dont seem to mind that these bands are replaced by kerrang hyped bands. I dont really see what the difference is. The festival will always be dominated by bands pushed by big record labels and the media who are in bed with them. With a few exceptions the bands with the best marketing will be the ones that get biggest. I dont have a problem with people who just listen to these types of acts, eveyone want something different from music, some people dont want to have to look hard to find it.
  7. If you're referring to me, I think me saying 'KOL/Killers bashers' came across in the wrong context, I meant more fanatics, rather than criticisers. I'm a fan of both Arctic Monkeys and KOL myself, I just see a lot of 'fans' of these types of bands who seem totally ignorant of anything outside of the mainstream without giving it a fair chance. Last year's line up was very mainstream-orientated and while I didn't mind that to an extent, R&L now seem to be getting a large amount of unfounded criticism for what looks like a return to their roots from the brigade who pissed off Caleb Followill so much at Reading last year.
  8. It interests me this "NME reader bashing". I'm an NME subscriber, and have been for years, I have a broad music choice, but am rarely outspoken enough to criticise bands on here. Yet all I see is constant critcism towards people who like bands featured in NME, who feature in most big UK festivals, and get massive crowds at Leeds. Are the people on here really the minorities then? Surely it doesn't add up that so many people criticised Arctic Monkeys and KoL last year, yet at Leeds, both drew larger crowds than Radiohead who are the type of band not normally featured in NME? Speak up.

    FYI, looking at this years initial to last years initial, I prefer this years.

  9. I'm gonna have to go the other way. It seemed to me that nothing was set in concrete. I doubt a band would care that much about announcing themselves early, especially on a live radio show which would be getting a lot of publicity. To me, it was like they were at best in talks with organisers and had nothing set in stone for this year. I watched it live by the way.

  10. Well, he'd fit the "Guess Who's Back" thing, since he's a regular who FR seem to idolize.

    He's the lead from Bloc Party for those wondering and has recently gone solo, and is due to release new material in the coming months. He has tour dates in June including the Parklife Festival.

    Anyone see him being announced for L/R??

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