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Posts posted by camperman

  1. Wow, brilliant.

    So I've bought one of the b&q sack trolleys, but is it necessary to add stuff to the base (and no, not a shopping trolley, great idea and everything, but I'm barely going to fit it into the car as it is!)? I'm not taking crates of beer etc.., just bag, tent, small ish cool bag etc...

    Peace x

  2. Both of those , but there is some truth in that we are what we are geneticly programed to be , the enviroment we grow up in , and the education we recive, make us. But thirdly the most important thing is that as individual self conscious beings, we evaluate what we know, learn, and experiance,and make are own judgement, we are individualy who we determine ourselfs to be. we do all have certain animal traits that will come to the fore in some more readily than others but are there none the less, the most ardent quaker will fight you if try drowning him in a barrel of water,

    However us humans can take many decades to work out who we are and what type of world we wont. peace and love to all.

  3. There are some unanswered questions here !

    Did the assistant get fired for the balls up ?

    With Bono's money surely a helicopter could have been called within minutes

    Why did he not ring the Pope and ask for divine intervention in the form of the rain cloud moving to

    Africa ?

  4. NHL star Gilbert Brule was staggered when he picked up a hitchhiker at the weekend only to discover that he was giving a lift to U2 frontman Bono.

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    The Edmonton Oilers player was driving along with his girlfriend to take their German Shepherd for a walk when they spotted two figures desperately thumbing for a lift in heavy rain.

    Brule's other half Kelsey Nichols was going to speed straight past, but the player thought that the hitchhiker looked strangely familiar and persuaded her to stop.

    And the hockey player's hunch was right: the hitchhiker turned out to be legendary Irish rock star Bono, who had got stuck in a rainstorm that he couldn't get out of while out for a walk in the countryside with his assistant.

    Bono jumped in the back of the car and talked about ice hockey for the rest of the trip back to Edmonton before offering the charitable duo backstage passes for his show - during which he regaled the audience with the full story.

    "I like ice hockey because people who play ice hockey are the kind of people who pick up hitchhikers," Bono told the crowd.

    "I'm ever so grateful. I've decided that I want to be Gilbert Brule!"

    Best keep your eyes open driving to glasto this year you never know who you may pick up.

  5. @Lucy

    The strap has a buckle at one end, you wrap the strap around your trolly and it's contents and then thread the other end of the strap through a bobbin and pull tight, the buckle then has a leaver that turns the bobbin each time it is pulled out and that tightens the strap as it is wound round the bobbin. There is then a little spring loaded clip inside that will release the strap when pressed.

    Hope that makes sense,

    they are what you'd see being used as the guy ropes for the marquees at glasto and are also what is used to fasten the sides down on soft sided lorry trailers.

  6. My worst moment every year is when i wake sometime on monday and realise theres no pages left on clash finder , no more were shall go first what food stalls to fit in between acts etc :(

  7. Or find the tunel into the greenfields under the railway line trun right follow the hedge to the eco house and there you are, lots of shade and a cafe, and right next door is the clay pizza oven, lush :)

  8. Despite the very messy and tired state I know I will be in on Sunday morning, I shall try and get up for this. They were lovely at BD last year and I'm quite looking forward to a sea shanty breakfast to warm my cockles on the last day of the fest. Will probably end up catching up on a snooze in the sun as they heave and ho and up she rises :D Luvverly!

  9. Just seen them on tv talking bout glasto and new film out soon, i love port isaac and been many times over the years. But after late night early am sat sun dont know weather to stay up and catch them or grab a couple of hrs and get up,

  10. last year was great for me , but others i was with it was just to much, i have spent most of my working life outdoors in all weathers so probably more aclimed to it rather than some whos working enviroment is indoors and air conditioned. Some points to remember if it is like last year, use plenty of protection cream and after sun is very important, dehydration is your enemy drink plenty of water, not juice or coke etc heat and fizzy/ pure juice can give you upset tummys. alcohol cause's dehydration so drink plenty of water, i drink my share of alcohol but use this rule - drink water when hot or thirsty alcohol at all other times, a good old army tip get a cheep stainless steel flask and late at night or early in the morning chill it inside under a tap and fill seal tight and use as a cold supply when hot at stages in heat of day. also wear a hat better if straw or vented. STAY SAFE STAY HYDRATED

  11. If you want to reduce taxes for "the working man", then you either have to reduce state spending (close libraries and hospitals, tar roads less often, larger class sizes, less school supplies...), or increase taxes for the rich.

    If you're advocating taxes for the rich, then few of us who have been discussing it here would argue with you, I don't think. But do bear in mind that the woman with a five bedroom house to herself, would count as rich as far as I'm concerned, and fair game for taxing.

    (Take care using the phrase "the working man" in rhetoric, by the way. The only other place I've heard it in recent years, is from BNP sympathisers. It's a bit of a code-word.)

  12. As an average, the UK has pretty low taxation overall for the western world (when everything is included wso that it's a proper like for like comparison), so that's not it. As is so often the case it appears that you've fallen for the standard right-wing bullshit.

    Where the problem comes for the "working man" is that the richest are getting away with paying FAR less than their fair share - as proven by the ever-widening gap between poorest and richest.

    Which, rather amusingly, despite you feeling that as a "working man" you pay too much tax, has you arguing that they should pay even less. :lol:

    Perhaps it would be better if you actually looked into things and had your thoughts on accurate info, and not the wholely false "we pay more over all than most other countrys". ;)

  13. Everything is interlinked, yes -- and Neil said.

    But it's not necessary for business to involve exploitation. The whole foundation of capitalism is that a business transaction is mutually beneficial, and that's where growth comes from.

    I've grown an apple that I don't want. You have some money and you want an apple. I swap my apple for your money. We both walk away satisfied. If either side wasn't going to be happy with the deal, then it wouldn't have happened.

    Exploitation can only happen when there are monopolies, or shortages of things that people really need. For example, if you're starving to death, and that apple of mine is the only that will save you.

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