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Posts posted by camperman

  1. it really is the luck of the draw 477 first attempt be 4 signing then down hill from there scored only 9 0n 5th go then back to 377 i;m just lost on dance music, its so adictive had to cut the plug off my pc to get some sleep

  2. How childish it is to think posting negative or positive thoughts on here will make any difference to the weather what so ever.

    I hate the crazy over pc ness that we have developed in this country,

    however Neil is quite right in his request's and actions just from a moral common decency point of veiw. I'm all for a laugh and ridiculing either the french or germans is fair sport, but the object is to make eveybody laugh.

  3. (Sorry, I would like to return to weather debate, but this is interesting, and I can't see a practical way to fork it into another thread)

    I hate this. Mary Whitehouse was indeed a small minded prude, who dismissed genuine art as "smut" or "filth" and called to have it banned.

    I do not want to be tarred with the same brush as that woman, as I have been on this forum, when I object to a man boasting about hitting women to keep them obedient (albeit in the guise of a fictional persona, but a fictional persona you're expected to admire and identify with).

    I do not want to be tarred with the same brush as that woman, if I say that this conversation about weather is probably not an appropriate place to share soft porn, even if it's soft porn presented in an ironic manner as part of a running joke.

    And I say that as someone who *enjoys* soft porn; and less soft porn. I enjoyed many of those photos of German girls, but I can still see that here is not the place for it (nor is the third page of a national newspaper the place for it).

    Indeed, the fact that some of those photos gave me so much pleasure *demonstrates* that it wasn't just a joke. For many red blooded males, it would have been impossible to laugh at the joke, without also skipping a couple of heartbeats and thinking "I'd really, really love to bury my face between those tits".

    There's a time and a place. I know some great jokes about paedophilia. I wouldn't choose this forum as a place to share them.

  4. It's good to see there is somebody observant in this thread. I don't know what security would do without you!

    But seriously, I think the fun police will need to be informed too. Flares are such a hazzard, I saw so many people get hurt by the large amount I saw last year and I've heard so many tall tales about how the flares have burnt off the entire arms of the people holding them etc blablabla.

    I don't know how you can deny that they don't look cool. And when you find out that "Craigidge" is infact a 6ft bodybuilder I think that you might think twice about attempting to stop him getting to monday "Liam13th".

  5. Serious point - be prepared so spend some time apart. If the girl wants to look at dresses and jewellery in the markets, split up for an hour. If the bloke wants to watch Battles, and the girl's going to find that boring, separate and meet up afterwards.

    Apologies for the egregious gender stereotyping -- but you get what I mean.

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