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Posts posted by Spliffman

  1. High,

    This will be my last Glastonbury for a couple of years, but when I return in 2013/14 I would like to return in style & comfort!

    So thinking of renting a mobile home or caravan for the festival, and really need some pointers, tips and advice on who to hire from etc.

    I do not want to drive the motorhome or tow a caravan. So was wandering if any of you good and wise people could point me in the direction of a good company, that will deliver said motor home / caravan to site for me?

    Leaving me just to turn up and start partying...

    thanks Spliffman :P

  2. This is my PLAN for Glastonbury 2010.

    Turn up Wednesday

    Pitch tent


    Open can of Specialbrew

    Wander around

    Have fun

    Leave Monday mid-day


    This plan is tried and tested, and never goes wrong :P

  3. Brothers et al is just fizzy alcopops for kids, having said that, a nice cold festy strength one on a hot afternoon is ok, but more than that is too much sugarfizz fer a 50yr old like me. Strawb and toffee apple is just an abortion. Vile!

    Burrowhill on the other hand is a proper job cider and will make you smile when youre sick!

    Should be drunk from a 5litre plastic container for maximum effect tho - ol skool stylee!

    Burp :P

  4. Pyramid stage

    Fri Queen

    Sat Led Zep

    Sun Pink Floyd

    Other Stage

    Fri Jimi Hendrix

    Sat The Beatles

    Sun The Doors

    Jazz World

    Fri Frank Zappa

    Sat Bob Marley

    Sun Ian Dury

    Can't see that causing any band clash problems..........

  5. It sounds like a good idea but its remarkably unfair, given the ethos of the festival its like saying the richer you are the more you can enjoy. The way it is now apart from hospitality everyone is pretty much the same, which is the way it should be. (Obviously outside of this there are other limiting factors) and if the price increase is only minor and not prohibitively expensive then it won't cut down enough anyway.

    The only real way to cut congestion is as mentioned before and countless other options is to make public transport the number 1 way to travel.

  6. It use to be that you could turn up at Glastonbury on friday morning, park up and get set up with very little fuss

    then as the festival grew year on year, you had to turn up on thursday. Then wednesday. Now tuesday...... all this has been allowed to ease all the congestion that so many people can cause by arriving all at once.

    you can not keep opening earlier and earlier.

    So if traffic continues to cause problems, what you gonna do?

    Limit the number turning up on any given day!

    How? Stagged entry!

  7. There are lots of places that he might enjoy.

    Circus field, cabaret tent, children's field (nothing like watching Bodger and Badger whilst sipping on cider), wandering around Shangri La during the day when there's no crowds, or sitting up at the Stone Circle in the sunshine, reading a book and watching the festival go by.

  8. I'd like to experience GF with the woman I love, but it ain't gonna happen, and I recognise that the reality would be a nightmare.

    - She'd be bored by the music, but would feel obliged to stand by my side anyway

    - I'd want to stay up later than her, but would feel obliged to go back to the tend with her anyway

    - I'd feel obliged to go and wait outside the loos for her

    - She'd be squeamish around the mud (obviously not this year - it's going to be a scorcher); it would annoy me

    - etc.

    Yes, we're both grown ups, and she could just go back to the tent on her own. But if that's what happens, what's the point in us both going together? Having pressured her to come, I'd feel it was my responsibility to show her a good time, even if it was to the detriment of my own good time, which it would be.

    Yes, technically he's not being forced to go. But to an extent, he's been manouvered into a situation he'd rather not be in.

    Ask him if he wants to be there. If he doesn't - and you don't think he'll enjoy himself - then regardless of the verbal contract he made with his girlfriend, it doesn't make sense FOR ANYONE if he goes.

    If he says he wants to go, then the onus is on him not to put a downer on things. If you can do it tactfully, it might be worth reminding him of that before the fun starts.

    If the worst comes to the worst, he could spend all day with a book or a newspaper at the top end of the Pyramid field, or in the King's field.

    The circus and cabaret tents might be fun for him (although the cabaret tent lineup has really deteriorated in recent years IMHO)

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