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Posts posted by mr_bizarre

  1. I've been going since 1983 and only been robbed twice. Both times were in 1999 when theives made away with some booze, my mates binoculars and a pair of shades. That year was actually my favourate festival so it didn't spoil it for me. Our next door neighbours at the time caught someone trying to rob them as they were asleep. They managed to grab the thief and sit on him till the police arrived. He bit one of the police so they gave him a kicking. The police came back later on in the day to say the kid was being held in cell and hes covered himself in his own poo. Nice.

    The only other things I've lost is by my own stupidity. Mainly leaving things outside my tent in the night (when you cant see them & forget they are there). Course, when you return in the morning they are gone.

    I had my camp fire knicked in 1994 which was a bit strange. Me and a mate had brought loads of logs with us and we had a decent fire going. We went off wandering for an hour and when we returned there was just a few ashes remaining. I have no idea how they managed to knick the whole fire coz it was roasting!!

    Your much less likely to get robbed nowadays though and a lot of the fields even have CCTV cameras!! The police also set up tents in such a way to tempt your would-be tent robber who'll get a nasty surprise if they have a go. I wonder if anyone has been nicked for inocently entering one of these tents? A mate of mine slept in someone elses tent a few years back (luckily the owners didn't return all night ). He didn't realise till the morning when he awoke & didn't recognise any of the gear in the tent.

  2. That's the debate I had. Initially saying "well i've seen The Levellers before so..", then thinking I must have seen B2TF at least 20 times. I think what'll sway me is that leftfield will be horribly rammed and so chilling out and then coming up towards the end of B2TF may be the way for me to go
  3. Now this is a plan. We attempted something of this stature on my 25th, tried to have a pint in 20 pubs around St ALbans. We started at midday, I know there was a run of 3 pubs where i had pints of Hoegarden, and after 4pm I have no memories of the day at all. According to the better half we did manage 18 pubs in the end. Just the thought of it makes my 32 year old bones shiver.

    I'd love to give this a bit of a go though, as long as I can still stagger well enough to make it to the cinema field for Back to the FUture :lol:

  4. I worked at the Leftfield bar last year, it was such a wonderful place to be, fantastic bands/speakers and really friendly bar staff :P

    This years line up is better then at some festivals I've been too! Richard (The Tent manager) is well chuffed! I have been hidden away in Shangri-La this year but don't start till Friday so I'll almost certainly be crammed in for some drinking and dancing :lol:

    I'll keep my eyes open for all you guys, and hopefully you can't miss me as I have a rather large orange cross on my hoodie front and back :D

  5. Tken last year, cropped from one the big ariel shots...


    The Café is run by some religious sect. Nice bunch of people, they don’t try and convert you or preach to you at all. They don’t sell anything alcoholic though. They have a small cosy open manqué where you’re invited to debate about God. Thing is, it’s to near the bar so you do get some heated discussions, not nessaerly sensible ones.

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