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Posts posted by snoopyhill

  1. there's been just parliaments in the last 60 years where the MPs of Scotland would have changed the situation in Westminster - once where it would have been tory instead of Labour and once when Labour would have been a minority govt and not a majority one.

    It's no biggie, especially now that we only have neo-liberal parties (as does Scotland; Alex is Rupert's best mate).

    3 not 2 1964 and twice in 1974 i think you are missing a Labour minority to Conservative minority. I missed that as well first time I checked it.

  2. So long as they were born in scotland, right?

    How is alex salmond's plan to slash corporation tax acceptable to any left leaning person by the way?

    The idea is reduce corporation tax to 3% to counter the pull of London and the South East. Potentially creating 27000 jobs, might work might not I would be happy to try it for a few years.

  3. When are you all going to start getting things together? Making up lists, packing etc..

    I'll admit I made up a provisional list and started searching for bits and pieces I can buy to take the other day.

  4. Heres my prediction....

    English voters are going to get increasingly pissed of at the special powers Hollywood keeps getting... This devo-MAX options is a fucking insult to the rest of us. You want your cake and you want to eat it as well...

    I fail to see why Scotland should get more control and power as if it was an independent country while being afford the privilege of staying part of the UK and expecting a vote on issues that affect England and not Scotland.

    Please just fuck off if you want to be independent!!! and stop doing this soft arse fight for half and half.

    Did you mean Holyrood or are you saying the Scottish Parliament is a dream factory? I suppose both work.

  5. Everyone I know expects independence to be difficult and our standard of living may drop but we will be making our own decisions for better or worse. As far as currency is concerned it ranks 5th most important issue in Scotland behind Economy, Pensions, Welfare and our relationship with the rest of UK. We have a different set of priorities from Westminster. Personally I am fed up having a government that ranks London interests and the views of floating English voters above Scotland so I will be voting for independence and will put up with the problems and issues that brings.
    It amazes me that some of you think we blindly follow Alex Salmond this is simply wrong. In Scottish elections we vote for SNP because of what they stand for and how well they manage Scotland but for Westminster more than twice as many vote for Labour than SNP what happens to Alex's influence then?
    Perhaps the Scottish electorate are a wee bit more sophisticated than some of you give us credit for.

    Here's my prediction: As the referendum approaches the polls show a narrowing of the the gap, all Westminster parties promise more powers for Holyrood and the vote is a close run No.

    2015 General Election UKIP make a impact in England/Wales and influence Government policy even more maybe even a Con/UKIP coalition if the polls are to be believed this in turn leads to UK leaving EU. Scottish elections are held in 2016 and SNP are returned with a larger majority a new referendum is called and 2018 Scotland votes for independence. 2020 sees the first Independent Scottish Parliament.

  6. I sort of like the idea of an independent Scotland - interesting to see how it would get on as a nation. However, the reason above is why I desperately hope it doesn't happen.

    Independence for Scotland in 2014 totally fucks up the 2015 general election (and probably every general election) for those voting Labour in England. I would possibly emigrate over the border at that point.

    The elections in 1964 and 1974 would not have been won by Labour without Scottish MPs and of course 2010 would have been a Conservative majority. According to Financial Times Labour would need a permanent 6% swing in England to replace the Scottish vote.

    Now getting back to Bowie I would love to see him at Glastonbury it would make up for him for binning T in the Park when we had to endure the Darkness as headliners instead.

  7. 2010 We took our 2 girls aged 10 & 14 and seeing how well staff and other festival goers treated them made me realise it was something special.

    Lots of folk took time to speak to them, asking them their thoughts on the acts and I remember how much they enjoyed people in fancy dress making a point of involving them especially that big robot. Luckily we will all be back this year and I think I'm more excited than them!

  8. We got tickets in 2010 re-sale but had to take coach travel my youngest was 10 years old and didn't need a ticket. I called to ask how coach travel worked for her, after some umming and ahhing they replaced my +coach tickets with normal ones.

    I see they have addressed this now and you just pay extra coach fare.

  9. That sounds like a massive faff! What's the logic there I wonder?

    It's not sad - I could see how it would be a laugh with the right bunch of mates. Strange looking back to think I saw Supergrass, Elastica, Pulp, Placebo, Manics, Suede, Prodigy, Blur and Dandy Warhols all at V. It did used to be pretty good.

  10. You're contradicting yourself. You say you can't get tickets because it's too easy and then propose to make it easier.. A lottery IS NOT fairer. A lottery means people who aren't really bothered but registered on a drunken night in six months ago and then forgot about it could get tickets. How is that fairer than now?

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