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Dirty Boots

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Posts posted by Dirty Boots

  1. Adele called her first albums 19 & 21 because they are numbers that have special importance to her life.

    Her follow up 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 is due out in the summer.

  2. yeh i think chase and status will be Arena tent headliners.

    For what its worth i think the top end of the running order for that day will be something like this:

    V Stage

    Arctic Monkeys

    Plan B

    2nd Stage

    Dizzee Rascal

    Mark Ronson


    Arena Tent

    Chase and Status


    Union Tent

    FLC/Big Audio Dynamite

  3. You aint wrong...

    The IOW official forum is the same though...people are so far up the organisers arseholes you can barely see the bottom of their shoes...plus theres a bloke on there who writes EVERY post like he's a pirate...unbelievable.

    IOW has some decent bands on the Saturday, Vaccines, Seasick Steve, Iggy...but, loath as I am to say it, think V's probably got the edge on supporting bands this year...

    Mind you, Tinie Tempah's pulled out (shame his dad didn't) so we might get somebody half decent...

  4. Thanks Bunny, I'll add those. Maybe we should start to guess the stages and placements as well?

    As JID put it in another thread, going by previous years theres normally:

    8 Main stage acts

    10 Channel 4 stage acts

    11 Arena stage acts

    12 Union tent acts per day.

    I'll get the ball rolling with Dizzee and Primal Scream as Channel 4 stage headliners.

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