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Posts posted by tinygreendragon

  1. I got my course of Champix yesterday, took the first one at 5pm and woke up this morning not really looking forward to my first ciggie in the car. I had one anyway (my official stop date is next tuesday) but got no buzz off of it at all.

    I really hope this works, smoking has now become such a pain in the ass with the ban, and I find myself in non smoking company so often I feel like a leper. Thats without the cost and the improvement in my general health. I just hope I dont eat as a replacement.

  2. Cheers for the heads up on this one, me and the Mrs have been enjoying it. We're up to ep 7 so far. I didn't think I'd enjoy a biker show, but this has had us gripped and got us through the boredom of been stuck in bed with the flu.

    We've just finished series 1 of HBO's True Blood http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0844441/ and that's been great entertainment. It's set in Louisiana in a society where vampires are out in the open and campaigning for equal rights there's some great plots/relationships in there as well a fair bit of gore.

    I assume The Wire has already been mentioned in this thread, but The Wire creators' take on the war in Iraq "Generation Kill" is definitely worth a watch http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0995832/

    Other stuff I've enjoyed that I've not seen mentioned have been Weeds, Deadwood and Battlestar Gallactica....Bring on The new year for the rest of Season 4!

    Thanks for the heads up on Generation Kill we have just finished episode 3 of season 1 and we are gripped it is a great show, Really surprised as I usually don't do war stuff but this is funny and great drama at the same time, I only watched it as it was the people behind The wire which is fantastic and this is shaping up to be really good highly recommended.

  3. Kids definatly arnt getting stupider, stuff that used to be Alevel science is now on GCSE papers and people say the exams are getting easyer...

    A lot of computer games also have complex story lines.

    Bob I did clarify my point a bit further down mate I wasn't saying kids were dumber I was saying that tv treats them that way

  4. I saw Star Wars when I was 10 in 1979 it was one of the first films I ever went to the cinema to see and it was amazing, not just the film but the whole experience :D in the years that followed I went to see sci fi films with my dad it became our thing to do we went to see the next two star wars films, in 1980 Flash Gordon, 1982 Blade Runner, 1984 Terminator, 1986 Aliens, 1991 T2 and 1997 Gattica.

    So in 1999 at the age of 30, The Phantom Mence came out and I went to the cinema without my dad who had passed away by then to see what I expected to be a fantastic film. But it couldn't possibly live up to the hyper or the nostalga I felt for the first three films and I think that many people felt the same way, certainly friends my age were very disappointed in it. I'm not sure I was more cynical by then I just expected more from Mr Lucas. I am very glad to see that my cousin who is 20 loves all the Star Wars films although like yourself he prefers the newer ones as he thinks the special effects are better. I have to say I loath Jar jar he is one of the most annoying things I have ever seen :lol:

  5. I reckon kids would take whatever you threw at them just as long as it scared them shitless and engaged their brain. It's the adults that own them that turn around and say "thats too scary" and "thats not acceptable for kids!".

    Parents, schools and some catholic priests are what f*ck kids up every time.

    Generally speaking, I reckon kids would love a scarier, darker, funnier, wittier, smarter, less camp Doctor Who. Kids love that shit because they're still learning the rules. The parents however, would take some convincing, as they're generally defeated by the rules, being all insecure and outragey.

    Tabloids are also lined up to take pot shots at any BBC show that dares push any boundaries. Even looking at a boundary could result in one complaint being made which could again spark a chain reaction of stupidly biblical proportions. This is, if anything, probably where the dumbing down will be motivated from - from outright Nazi-style fear of putting a single daring foot out of place. The BBC is treading on eggshells after recent events - we'll have to just see how this affects their shows this year.

    My little boy is 4 and I was a bit concerned about letting him watch Dr Who cause it can be scary at times but he likes it and if he gets scared we deal with it.

  6. Don't be like that. Kids are only "dumber" (a questionable assumption at best) because the generations above them have failled them, yet ironically deem themselves as the people who "know whats best" for them. That doesn't let the makers of Dr Who, who are certainly not children, at least not physically, last time I checked, off the hook. It's funded by the bloody TV license, it should be experimenting a little bit more to be honest. All of these decisions concerning the output of the BBC are made by adults, not children. If this were an American show fighting for survival on the very childishly competitive mainstream networks in the States then I may understand why they make it so insulting to the intelligence sometimes. But it's a license funded project. All it comes down to is if more adults accepted more responsibility then maybe da kidz wouldn't be so thick. Lead by example and all that. But then it's not surprising just how wonderfully idiotic fully grown adults have been as of late, what with the credit crunch and failling stock market and all that, you really can't blame kids for being total f*ckups when you take a look at the irrational, gullible, generations above them giving them their valuable parental advice on life. And this extends to the BBC, something that really should be above such nonsense.

    What's wrong with that? Looks may be deceiving. Why write him off at such an early stage? Have you read any of the new scripts? Have you seen this guy in the role yet?

    Also isn't there going to be a new writer on all these post-Tennant episodes?

    Wouldn't it be better to just wait and see?

    I should really have made my point a little clearer PM I wasn't blaming kids rather the preception by tv of what they can cope with. It's the dumbing down (god I hate that phrase) of the show because it is seen as family entertainment that I was talking about. having re read my post I can see how you wouldn't have got that but I was still laughing about nic cage thing :lol:

    I predict even more use of the sonic screwdriver.

    I predict the literacy/concept level to be pitched even lower at 14 year olds.

    I predict people with no depth of imagination to love it.

    I predict the continued death throws of UK scifi.

    Don't worry atlantean will cheer up when BSG starts :D

  7. Maybe it's just that kids are dumber nowadays having rotted their brains playing computer games, unlike the kids of the past who could follow a storyline from one week to the next and could actually wait for the regeneration episode to be aired now they have to keep up the hype because they have such a short attention span

  8. there goes my perving sessions over david tennant *sigh*

    ill be at work when its on tomoz....if i run home i might be able to catch a bit of it


    I think the middle guy maybe worth a bit of a perv :P But agree I will miss david Tennant too :huh:

  9. Was just about to post that.

    Also here.

    I think it's going to be Paterson Joseph.

    I just hope it's not a female Doctor. I think they've really hammed this up though which I'm a bit disappointed about - airing a special show just to announce who it is?! Sounds OTT to me.

    It is understood that those hoping for the first female doctor will be disappointed. Doctor Who's new executive producers, Coupling creator Steven Moffat and BBC Wales head of drama Piers Wenger are said to have stuck with tradition and cast a man in the role.


  10. Saw V for Vendetta last night was surprised at how good it was, I never bothered when it first came out cause it looked like a comic book film ;) took three 4 year olds to see madagascar 2 today, no idea what it was about as I spent most of the time either saying sshhh or anwering questions "mummy, where is the baddie, why is he a baddie, is alex ok, can we have a penguin for christmas?" Anyone one who has seen it, let me know the plot please as I will have to answer questions about the film for the next few weeks :lol:

  11. I got the job! I got the job!! I got the job!!! Im ecstatic! I went in to the interview and I was so ill but I still go the job!!!! :lol::lol::lol::D apparently there is a limit to the amount of these I can use. In the adapted words of Florence and the Machine the dole days are over! :):)
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