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Hello... I'm Johnny Cash

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Posts posted by Hello... I'm Johnny Cash

  1. How do people react when you do it at indoor public places? I've not been brave enough yet and still stand outside.

    I'm not sure I trust the people on UKVapers - they seem a little militant about it...

  2. Happy world vaping day everyone!

    How's it going for you all? I'm still loving it :) I had my first analogue in 4 months the other day and had to force myself to finish it in a kind of 'I'm going to mentally scar myself' way - utterly disgusting - I can confidently say I'll never be going back there.

    Still on E-Lites but found out that you can just pop the end off the cartridges and refill with your own juice, which slashes the price to a fraction of what it was.

    Happy days!

  3. HOWEVER ... I can't help feeling that you've been incredibly silly if you really did give up completely for 2 months *AND* have now just started vaping nicotine !!! Sure it's allegedly better from a health pov but there's still a significant long-term hit on the wallet for feeding the addiction :rolleyes: It's obviously entirely up to you what you do, none of my f***ing business and all that ... but 2 months without was a bl**dy good effort IMHO and it seems a bit of shame to return to being a slave to nicotine via e-lites or similar when you were well on the way to living without it. Or are you using the nicotine-free jobbies ?

    I see what you’re saying but the bottom line is that I enjoy it and get a great deal of pleasure out of it. I never really smoked that much, probably between 3 and 7 cigs a day, so the nicotine withdrawal was easily managed with gum & the cost of 'smoking' that many E-Lites a day is pretty negligible.

    I've done a decent amount of research & I'm happy that the health effects are fairly negligible so I just don't see a good reason not to do it.

    The only problem I see is that now it's not bad for me, I can do it inside & it doesn't make me stink I'm smoking more than I used to. I've ordered some of the nicotine free tips & when they come I'm going to limit my nicotine intake to 5 cigs worth a day.

  4. Woah, I got an 'E-Lites' starter pack yesterday. Blown away. I'd say that the experience is about 85% as good as smoking a real cig.

    I'd given up smoking for about 2 months and was doing well with it. I missed it because it's totally brilliant (sorry, but it is) but there was no danger of relapsing because the health risks were too much.

    Anyway, I saw these on Groupon for £20 and thought I'd give it a go after remembering reading this thread ages ago & it really is (nearly) all of the good stuff with none of the bad stuff.

    This is literally on a par with someone inventing a calorie free pizza that tastes almost the same as a proper one.

    I just need to grow a pair now so that I can 'smoke' it in the office!

    *well happy*

  5. Sorry for the shameless plug, but I am a regular user of the forum (granted, mainly in a lurking capacity)

    Basically I lost 7 stones & now I'm a Weight Watchers leader who blogs about it at www.watchingdansweight.com

    I'm always more than happy to help anyone on here if they are struggling, just drop me a line :-)

  6. Never used UFC Personal Trainer but I regally use EA Sports Active 2 and despite my initial scepticism (that came from the utter non work out that is Wii Fit), I have to say it's fantastic.

    It's a PROPER work out & I say that as someone that before I bought it was running 10 miles 4 times a week & for the first 2-3 weeks it was leaving me stiff for days afterwards. It still does a bit.

    I'm in the same boat as you in the sense that I find the gym really tedious & dull, but I really enjoy doing this. It changes the exercise every 2-3 minutes so you never get chance to get bored.

    Anyway, highly recommended - but if you do get it you need to turn off voice commands otherwise it keeps pausing itself which is very irritating & install the game to the hard disk to reduce the loading times between exercises which are slightly excessive when coming from the disk & you’re stood there feeling your legs seizing up.

  7. surely it depends on what exactly you're wanting to do with that festival you're running?

    I've not made any presumption of what Michael and Emily are exactly aiming at with Glastonbury - whether it's about first and foremost selling its tickets or not, who they'd like to be attracting, etc - but it strikes me as wrong that a festival which is talked about for its diversity in the end only really attracts a mono-culture as its audience.

    To my mind there's certainly things they could do to increase its attractiveness to the groupings (not necessarily just 'ethnic' groupings) which are currently under-represented, without that having a negative impact on what the festival is already to those who currently go, and I feel that a more diverse mix of people would be a positive thing for the festival overall.

  8. Muslims don't do western festivals. Because they don't like our western values.

    Glastonbury is not a place that appeals to them. Sex, drugs and rock n roll is not what they want

    So what you gonna do about that then?

    Am I a racist for saying that?

  9. The problem wasn’t the stage but the fact that it wasn't actually a secret - virtually everyone on site knew hours before who it was going to be.

    Last year it only came out about 10 minutes before the set began that it was Thom Yorke and it wasn't really confirmed until he walked out on stage, that seemed to work much better.

    I think you either have to keep the special guests a secret until the very last minute, or put them on the pyramid stage.

  10. Reduce the volume of liquid that you're drinking when you're in a big crowd. Might sound obvious but there's no getting away from the fact that your bladder has a limited capacity & when it's full you need to go.

  11. I'm not skint but i'm taking pretty much all of my own food & drink.

    I'm just going with someone that has a big, big trolley so carrying it all in isn't an issue & I don't see the point in spending loads of money while i'm there if I don't have to.

    I've not been adding it up, but I highly doubt that i'll have spent more than £100 in total after spends while i'm there are included, which isn't from being tight - I just can't see where the money will go if i'm not buying food or drink.

    I'm not including the initial purchase of a stove in all of this - but I saw one in Tesco for less than a tenner at the weekend.

    So my advice would be to take as much as your own stuff as you can.

    Easy enough if you're in a car - just make 2 trips when you arrive. Probably easier said than done if you're using public transport though.

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