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Posts posted by Alcatraz

  1. I wonder if anyone will actually fall for it? I'm hoping that some other media outlet will pick up on it and run with it. <_<

    I asked Emily a few weeks back if she'd have a problem if eFestivals did this - she laughed. And if the GF office get any calls about it, they might well give out a reply that they won't discuss aspects of this year's festival until the bands are announced in June. :rolleyes:

  2. 5 meters - pah *tokes & giggles* I skinned up a 20 footer the other day, took a f**kin Jamaican farm to fill the bastard and enough paper to cover Cardiff. :D
  3. *Tells Underneath The Bottom Weed related story*

    My weed tolerance is so bad that I won't even try it after getting so passively stoned at a football match that I couldn't get out of my seat. This has happened to me on more than one occasion.

  4. They need to return to episodes like the Russia one of last series, fortunately next week's one looks like this is already done.

    If not an all out party with Chris with no tragedy will go down well

  5. Well, he'd be a clear statement of intent by ME regarding a younger crowd. I just kind of wanna know how much he's being paid.

    Wouldn't dream of going to see him. A lot of friends went to see him in Cardiff in November said he was great. Mind you this was coming from people who don't go to a lot of gigs.

    He is the best of a very bad lot in terms of absence of the guns and bling etc. but most mainstream rappers can't rap live. I doubt he will be an exception

    Would have preferred Cypress Hill :(

  6. Hippies haven't really existed since the 60's. I think we seem to class the typical eco-political warrior as a hippy which is a bit unfair, it seems people take them less seriously which is a shame.

    I'd expect your friends views to change after Glastonbury, i know mine have all the times i've been

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