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Posts posted by Alcatraz

  1. That wud prolly be a bad idea :ph34r:

    HorseboX! Where's my coffee!!! HorseboX!!! Are you on that bloody forum again?!?!? I don't care if Karls burst the tire in the magic bus, i've got festivals to report on and i want coffee NOW!!!!

    Sozzle Neil :lol:

  2. Ahh right so it's just Adele who's off, kidnapping Roiston on the way, making him eat sugar with his diabetes. What an evil woman :P

    Wish i was going to a fest rather than getting me results tomorrow :lol:

  3. I'm fast becoming a Glastonbury obsessive, but I know i need to try other things in the year as well. Hopefully BD will suit me perfectly, (it's bound to be sunny at at least one of them :lol: ) It may be that after doing a smaller festival, i'll do Glastonbury a different way, and hopefully i'll be enjoying Beautiful Days for many years to come as well. I haven't even been to BD yet, but i can guarantee it's better than V/R&L/T in the Park :D

  4. Hey Alcatraz

    Travel from Brizzle is pretty easy, and from Bath not a lot harder. I go by train, change at Exeter to Feniton and then walk the mile or so to the festival. There are also shuttle buses between Exeter and the site. Doing Beautiful days on public transport is pretty easy, do it next year!

  5. Well hello :( Some of you may know me, most wont, but i'm an ardent Glasto goer of the last 6 years. I sit here now with people surrounding me excited about the other festivals they're buggering off to while i sit in Offices in Bristol doing labour for no pay.

    That's no fun :D Which says to me, "Al get the f**k off to a festival"

    So what should i choose? Well Beautiful Days seems the perfect fit. Reasonably near me, reasonably cheap for a minimum wage,12 hr week job to pay for whilst half of my Glasto ticket is subsidised by my employers, exceptional lineups, the full breakfast :D

    My main issue is travel, hopefully once i research it more i shall be better educated and hopefully it will tie in :)

    So that i don't miss the boat (for next year) i wanna make sure i'm not missing anything that will happen soon after this years festival and also so i get a good idea at what goes on there.

    Any suggestions/ Veteran information would be mucho appreciado :)

    Enjoy the festival hopefully see you next year :D I'm sure if all is good i'll be hanging around here a fair bit :D

  6. I watch a lot of cycling (TDF atm, although missing a lot of it due to shit Asian coverage :lol: )

    If you want any tips, or to even pretend you know loads about Cycling in general, watch it :)

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