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Posts posted by Medina

  1. BGG is now cancelled, but we will be looking at getting a group of festival organisers together ( possibly with the AFO - Association of Festival Organisers) once the season has finished, to look at the potential impact that this has on all festivals. Anyone wanting to be in on this, please PM me ( Medina I suspect that you'll be up for this) and we'll be in touch.
  2. Never been to Glastonbury then...... :P half a mile is not problem at all. the only thing I would question and question that only Peter could answer is regarding security at the camp-sites during the headline sets.

    I would hate to think they are so far from the control of the organisers that they become rich pickings.. but as the mantra goes, never take anything you can afford to lose....

  3. As Organiser of the Stokes Bay Festival which is also next weekend we'll certainly do anything we can to help... just as I know the Endore-It-In-Dorset organisers are also offering to do.

    For starters we can offer reduced price tickets to our own Festival for those seeking an alternative next weekend but I've also emailed the BGG info line to see if we can do more than that - similar maybe to the Big Chill / Sunrise link-up last year.

    Stokes Bay is smaller than Big Green Gathering but just as relaxed. We also have a few old BGG favourites such as The Groovy Movie solar-powered cinema plus music from the likes of The Zutons; The Proclaimers; Seth Lakeman; The Saw Doctors and Adrian Edmondson.

    We'll post details of cheap tickets etc. on the 'News' page of our own website http://www.stokesbayfestival.co.uk by teatime Monday but I hope I can speak to the BGG organisers before then so we can hopefully arrange something that helps them as much as it helps their audience and ourselves.

    Having also had council problems I know how they must be feeling right now.

    If other festival organisers can help one another, we should do so.

  4. As Organiser of the Stokes Bay Festival which is also next weekend we'll certainly do anything we can to help. For starters we can offer reduced price tickets to our own Festival for those seeking an alternative but I've also emailed the BGG info line to see if we can do more than that - similar maybe to the Big Chill / Sunrise link-up last year.

    Stokes Bay is smaller than Big Green Gathering but just as relaxed. We also have a few old BGG favourites such as The Groovy Movie solar-powered cinema plus music from the likes of The Zutons; The Proclaimers; Seth Lakeman; The Saw Doctors and Adrian Edmondson.

    We'll post details of cheap tickets etc. on the 'News' page of our own website by teatime Monday but I hope I can speak to the BGG organisers before then so we can hopefully arrange something that helps them as much as it helps their audience and ourselves.

    Having also had council problems I know how they must be feeling right now.

    Medina - http://www.stokesbayfestival.co.uk

  5. Just taken delivery of the keys and set foot on both fields. Gorgeous in the sunshine with a fox lazing in one corner of the campsite field near the stream. First infrastructure arrives over the weekend so will try to post some photos here as the site starts to take shape.

  6. For those who don't already know, 'Olgrumpyfy' is Alan Scard (a.k.a. Alan B'Scard), Chairman of Gosport Conservative Association and self-appointed spokesman for the Friends of Stokes Bay.

    Mr. Scard has spent the last two years trying to stop this Festival from taking place.

    He actually lives two miles away from the existing site so it doesn't affect him in any way at all, save for his personal hatred of the festival organiser (me!).

    His continuing negative posts should be viewed in that light. :lol:

    P.S. And he's completely (no doubt deliberately) wrong on his location and description of the Festival site! We are not at Brune Park School. We are on the playing fields of the Bay House School which is right by Stokes Bay. If Mr Scard can't even get that right, what hope is there for the poor old boy?

  7. Here we go again!

    Last year this board was hijacked by local NIMBYs and Conservative Party officers including 'Olgrumpyfy' (subsequently revealed to be Alan B'Scard, Chairman of the Gosport Conservative Association) and 'Adelaide' (his wife) who tried and failed to stop the Festival taking place.

    And now they're starting again!

    Note that Paddington and Privett are both new members. Neither have posted anywhere else on efestivals. Note also the remarkably similar style between Privett's post and those by Olgrumpyfy last year. Their sole concern is to try and undermine this festival and stop it taking place.

    Well they failed last year and they'll fail again!

    Don't they realise that people who post here all year round are not stupid. We can recognise a NIMBY festival opponent with a personal / political axe to grind a mile off!

    Paddington, Privett and any other newbies who surface here solely for the purpose of slagging off this festival actually help promote the festival by making this thread more entertaining to read.

    That boosted our ticket sales last year and I'm sure it will again. Thanks guys and gals! :P

  8. Ticket prices for kids at £45.00 when they are 6 + £20.00 each for them to camp !!

    OK - I know there are some concessions for under 12's available at the moment - but this is extortionate !

    Think the organisers have got this dreadfully wrong

  9. And hopefully you'll be playing Stokes Bay again as well as we finally got around to emailing your leaders today (Tuesday) :D

    Sorry it's taken so long but we had to deal with the usual band of NIMBYs before we could confirm any more bookings for the Festival.

    Having now successfully dealt with Alan B'Scard (a.k.a. Olgrumpyfy) and his miserable bunch of NIMBY cohorts I'm not brave enough to take on 20 samba drummers as well!

    So... if you'd like a booking... hope someone will reply to my email quicker than I replied to yours!

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