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Posts posted by skinzo

  1. Folks,

    There's more £99 launch deal tickets on sale just now, I bought 3 this morning. I don't know if this is due to cancellations or something like that. Anyway I'm over the moon as I expected to pay £135 and saved a few bob........pub this afternoon to spend it I think ;)

  2. A definite highlight of the weekend for me, was right against the centre of the stage & even got a handshake from Grandmaser. Also amusing watching the stage invaders being rugby tackled off of the stage :lol:

  3. Feel a bit sorry for the guy! Suppose Vitallic, Bloody Beetroots et al were planned for another announcement.....not much of an announcement it'll be now! Really wish I never found out until he announced it though, the look on my face when he announced Ian Brown would have been priceless. No mention of Fat Boy though :P
  4. Just had a look at the tickets on ticketline and it won't let you buy either the payment plan or a front row camping ticket.

    Could this mean that a announcement and price hike is imminent?

    EDIT: Checked Ticketmaster it is the same - seetickets still lets you buy

  5. I bought my ticket through the payment scheme in October/November cant quite remember. They took my deposit and booking fees etc out of my account but from what i can see on my statements no further payments have gone out for my ticket. Anyone else noticed this?

    Also, why are the boards so quiet!

  6. Maybe I'm missing the point but what's the problem if people get the tickets in time for the event? I've had T in the Park tickets arrive 3 days before. If you have paid for them, you will get in. Even if the ticket doesn't arrive you can collect it at the box office.
  7. Never thought about it until I checked my ticketmaster site and I found out I have to pick my Ticket up from the Box office with a the credit card I used to pay for it, Since chopped and dumped!

    And why the blue f**k do I have to pay for "Postage and Handling" when their doing f**k all with it?

    Any advice from anyone???

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