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Posts posted by lost

  1. 15 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    DO IT!


    It would certainly raise revenue and probably be popular with younger people. If they are going to bring it in on top of aligning CGT with income tax then the "my property is my pension" older people who gave up on traditional pensions post dot com bust are not going to be impressed at handing over 40% of their housing gains to the state.

  2. 2 minutes ago, lazyred said:

    Only 10% of earners pay high rate  tax. There is no reason why NI should be a lower rate for these people.



    Because tax is higher as I said with the green party raise and a student loan if you work an hour someone is then taking more than half your reward. This maybe someone who is far from "rich"


    There is no incentive to pay higher rate tax, especially with things like tax credits you don't need to get anywhere near it and on the other side upto £110k a year you can stick £60k a year in your pension so why not?

  3. 12 minutes ago, lazyred said:

    This is the problem, everyone thinks they are average and tax the rich should mean richer than me. To get more from the super rich CGT and dividend tax should increase to income tax levels or we should introduce a wealth tax



    I'm skeptical how much these policies will raise. For example I know $100k in ringgit in a malaysian bank account will buy me 5 years residencey in Kuala Lumpur where I can dispose of any assets whilst paying 0% capital gains.


    Same with young people. Why stay and pay 50% + taxes inc student loans towards this boomerocracy and live in a shared house in a sh*tty city with sh*tty weather when there are loads of jobs you can do from a laptop lying on a beach in Bali paying no tax at all.


    I think we sometimes over estimate how "special" our contry is and what people are prepared to pay for the privilege of living here.

  4. 3 minutes ago, lazyred said:

    Average London rent for a room is 1000. If its  hard to live on 50k how hard is for the majority on less than that


    Well thats why alot of people don't work isn't it. There is no incentive in being told the best you can aspire to a room in a shared house and you should be grateful.


    To me "rich" means living in a mansion, flying business class, staying in 5* star hotels etc..

  5. 2 minutes ago, steviewevie said:


    rent controls might help with that rent?


    It was just an example to show someone on that sort of salary in London isn't rich. The young person in question is probably in a shared house and not trying to live off £700 a month after housing. Apparently for a single person, the average cost of living in London is £4200 so your looking at £80k plus to be average.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:




    IMHO that really is not much to pay and when you get to the really high earners over £125k then they really really should be paying more and this will make sure they do...................


    But a 20 something in London with a student loan who's take home is £2900ish and average rent is £2200 will be paying it too. £60 might let them have a night out.

  7. 11 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    just seems to be a hit on those working, not those getting their incomes from elsewhere such as pensions.



    or landlords but yes it also a hit on the young. Someone like me who's got their mortgage off can overpay their pension easily to avoid it whilst a younger person dealing with higher rents / mortgage costs would it find it more difficult. £50k is pretty much the average salary in London.

  8. 1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

    although apparently could mean interest rates are cut sooner rather than later, maybe during this election campaign. 


    Statement yesterday was wage growth is still too high (6%) but that now is concentrated in the public sector which obviously has massive issues for the incoming government if people expect the public sector to be expanded further whilst the private is shrinking.

  9. 23 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    this is sort of bollocks that Farage says



    Man who doesn't believe free trade and capitalism create wealth. Refuses to believe free trade and capitalism creates wealth.

  10. Labour MP's doing the rounds this morning. Some saying no tax rises, some saying no tax rises to NI or income tax and some saying no tax rises for working families

  11. I'm not sure him winning or losing his seat will make much difference. I think his goal is to destroy the Tories this election and then either replace or take them over in 2029.

  12. 6 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    hardly any votes though...most people don't really care about this stuff.

    Difficult to tell as the timing seems to coincide with a mums.net manifesto. They’ve got 8 million potential votes up for grabs based on usage stats 

  13. 19 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    We are what is described as 'economically inactive' and are more than happy to remain that way as our pensions fund our life quite well alongside the equity we released.


    Are Labour coming after us?


    I think I said a few pages back I think they will target pensions (at least higher rate relief) to make it more difficult to retire early. There have also been suggestions they are going to stop over 55's from tapping their pension pots for day to day expenses.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:


    A question I ask anyone discussing migration is "if we reduce it to the tens of thousands' and still have loads of jobs unfilled what is your suggestion then?'


    I'd probably go with what the labour party have suggested. Target the 22% of people of working age who are not, coupled with getting house prices down by building more / reducing demand to create a clear incentive to work.



    Unless we all have lots more kids soon then this will only ever get worse


    Well thats another issue with house prices >> people put off having kids till they can afford them >> We need more immigration >> hosue prices go up even further etc..

  15. 7 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    ...and actually considering how much net migration has gone up recently it is surprising it hasn't been more of an issue in this election, and I guess shows how much things have changed since brexit. Maybe it's the control bit that was the issue, not so much the numbers?


    I think FPTP maybe dampens alot of that with alot of peole seeing voting for anyone apart from the two main parties as a  wasted vote. The european elections next week maybe a better indicator to how people in Europe are feeling about migration currently.


    People in the UK? Well tories have been promising "ten of thousands" for at least a decade so I guess with Starmers promises this week they are happy to give labour a go.

  16. 1 minute ago, steviewevie said:

    Bigger demand, more  old people?

    Wasn't that long ago we had more emmigrants than immigrants.


    Cheaper houses too. There was a bigger jump in living standards between living off benefits and working unskilled jobs.

  17. My mates mum was a carer employed by the council. Retired on a decent final salary pension.


    I guess the question would be whats changed? We never used to have "sh*t jobs" only good enough for immigrants and "good jobs" for the native population and if there were not enough good jobs at certain times you didn't sit on your arse until one came available you did a sh*t job.

  18. 8 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    Rumours that Torsten Bell is going to stand for Labour in Swansea West. Would be a good addition, he's a clever bloke.


    I think he came into labour via running a think tank for Ed Milliband which probably puts him more Brownite than Blairite.

  19. There does seem to be growing discontent from both sides but maybe thats amplified over the internet.


    I watched a bit of that Lizz Truss interview everyone is complaining about, apparently the Tony Blair Institute attends/lobbys the Tory Party conference 😆

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